The first thing you will discover after switching to Windows 8 desktop is missing Start menu. Now that Start menu has been replaced with Start screen you may be wondering where are shut down, restart, hibernate and sleep options in Windows 8.
In Windows 8, by default, shut down, restart, sleep and hibernate options aren’t included in the Start screen area. You need to follow one of the following methods to access shut down options in Windows 8.
Method 1:
Step 1: Move your mouse cursor to upper-right or lower-right corner of the screen to bring up the Charms bar.
Step 2: Click Settings charm to see Settings.
Step 3: Click or tap Power and then click or tap Shut down, Hibernate, Sleep or Restart option.
Method 2:
Step 1: Simultaneously press Ctrl + Alt + Del keys to open Ctrl + Alt + Del screen.
Step 2: Click or tap the power button located on the lower-right corner of the screen and then click or tap Shut down, Restart, Hibernate or Sleep option.
Method 3:
Step 1: Press Windows + I hotkey to open Settings.
Step 2: Click or tap Power and then click or tap Shut down, Hibernate, Sleep or Restart option.
Method 4:
Step 1: Switch to desktop and do a right-click or left-click on the empty space of Taskbar.
Step 2: Press Alt + F4 keys to see the good old Shut Down Windows dialog. Select Shut down, Restart, Hibernate, or Sleep from the drop-down menu and press enter key.
If you’re looking for a way to quickly access all shut down options, we suggest you add Shut down, Restart, and Hibernate tiles to Windows 8 Start screen.
cyberzz says
Or you can create icon on the desktop. That was file saver for me.
admin says
Yes, you can do so under Power Options. Press Windows + Q keys to open Search with Settings highlighted, type Power Options and press enter key to open the same. In the left pane, click Choose what the power button do and then select the Shutdown option. That’s it!
FortD says
Can I assign Power Button to shut down the notebook?
vambo says
Been using Windows since 3.1, and I had to Google how to shut down Win 8. Intuitive, I think NOT!