If you have been using Windows 10 as your primary operating system for months, you likely know how to effectively use the Start menu to quickly search for apps. That said, we are sure that most of you not aware of at least one of the tips shared in this article.
Searching for a file, folder or program has not changed with the new Start menu of Windows 10. However, Microsoft has made it easy to quickly search and find things that you’re looking for. The following are the three tips that you can use on a Windows 10 PC or tablet to quickly search and launch apps.
Recommended: We suggest you read how to make the Start menu open faster in Windows 10 guide before proceeding further.
Search without the search box
In one of our previous articles titled how to use the Start menu search without the search box, we told you that the search box on the taskbar or small search icon is not required to initiate a search.
To search for something, click on the Start button or press the Windows logo key on the keyboard, and then start typing to see search results. That is, to launch the TeamViewer program, you need to open the Start menu and then start typing TeamViewer. The search UI will automatically appear with the results you are looking for.
By adopting this method, you can save valuable space on the taskbar.
Easy way to search for apps with long names
How do you search for a program called Kaspersky Internet Security using Start menu search? Most users type Kaspersky Internet Security and press Enter key to open it. Did you know that the same program can be launched by simply typing k i s in the Start menu search box?
Yes, to launch a program with a long name, type the first letter of each word in the Start menu with a space between them. For instance, to open Snipping Tool, just type S T (no need to type with caps on).
Quickly navigate to apps you are looking for
For instance, if you want to quickly see all installed programs starting with letter W, open Start menu, click or tap All apps, and then click on a letter (refer to the picture below), and then click or tap the W letter to view all program that use “W” as the starting letter.
Use Start menu search as a calculator
Not everyone knows that the Start menu search can be used to make basic calculations as well. Although it works only when your PC is connected to the internet, you can make addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division right from the Start menu search. For instance, open the Start menu, and type 5+5 to get 10 in search results instantly.
Did you any of or all tips shared in this article? Do let us know in the comments.
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