Are you bored of the default logon screen background image of Windows 7? You can easily change the logon screen background picture with a custom one without using third-party tools.
In previous version of Windows, user had no option but to use third-parry tools like Tune-Up-Utilities to change the logon screen background. But in Windows 7, the case is different. Windows 7 now supports custom logon screen background.
Replacing the old logon screen is as easy as changing desktop wallpaper (desktop background).
Change the Windows 7 logon screen background picture
Step 1: Download the registry file from here. Extract the file and double-click on the file to enable this feature (Alternative method: right-click, select Merge).
Step 2: Now, head over to the following folder:
C:\Windows\System32\oobe (“C” is your Windows Seven Installation drive)
Step 3: Here, create a new folder named Info. Again, create a new folder inside the Info folder and rename it as backgrounds.
Step 4: Copy your favorite image file to this folder and rename it as backgroundDefault. Note that the image must be in JPG format and the size should be less than 256 KB.
Step 5: You are done. Reboot your system and see the change.
The following files (sorted by width-to-height ratio) are supported in C:\Windows\System32\oobe\Info\Backgrounds folder:
* backgroundDefault.jpg
* background768×1280.jpg (0.6)
* background900×1440.jpg (0.625)
* background960×1280.jpg (0.75)
* background1024×1280.jpg (0.8)
* background1280×1024.jpg (1.25)
* background1024×768.jpg (1.33-)
* background1280×960.jpg (1.33-)
* background1600×1200.jpg (1.33-)
* background1440×900.jpg (1.6)
* background1920×1200.jpg (1.6)
* background1280×768.jpg (1.66-)
* background1360×768.jpg (1.770833-)
And users who prefer to use a third-party instead can check out free tools such as Windows 7 Logon Screen Changer and Logon Screen Rotator to set your own picture as logon screen background withe a mouse click.
JrGaril says
how will i change the windows login screen text below syaing “Windows 7”
Schrinus says
You can get past the 256kB-Limit by changing a system-file
Here’s how it works:
Don’t delete or rename the original file without replacing it with the modified file and lock, logoff, or restart your Computer as you won’t be able to get to the Welcome Screen anymore! A Windows Update may change it back to 256kB-Limit (only happened once to me), but you will only get the Default LogonScreen and everything will still work.
If you can’t edit or replace the authui.dll in the system32-folder then do this:
– Copy the authui.dll
– Modify the copied authui.dll
– Rename the original authui.dll (to authui_Original.dll for example)
– Copy the modified authui.dll to C:\Windows\System32\
– If the copying (or anything other) fails rename back the original file to authui.dll as otherwise without a authui.dll file it will brick your Welcome/Lock Screen.
And make sure to backup the authui.dll file!
john b says
“There is a much easier way to do this with no registry hacking. I’m using Windows 7 64bit so it may be different to 32bit.
Go to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\oobe
Replace the file background.bmp with an image that fits the requirements stated above.
Steve Todd says
Where can I go to find files I download in the pass,any help would be find.Thanks Steve.
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Faiz Ahmad says
its not working in Windows 7 32-bit Ultimate
Vasu says
Thanks …It worked …!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Quen says
FYI, the registry file just switches a value called “OEMbackground” from 0 to 1. Look for yourself, open it with any code editor.
admin says
@ Daniel
That looks like tricky. Sorry, I don’t have a proper solution for that.
Daniel says
Hi All!
I wonder what do I have to do to make it show the proper ratio picture if I have a laptop with 1280x800px screen and external monitor with HD resolution (1920x1080px) … that means two unsupported resolutions?
I have tried all posible combinations and none of it works…
One is always distroted…
Any suggestions?
Thanks a lot!
Prabir says
it actually worked! thank you very much….
Mayur says
What to do to remove this registry file?
robin says
it’s not working for me dude…as i’ve already installed a skinpack of am unable to uninstall it and bring back my log on screen and icons back to default..
Rohit says
Step 5: You are done. Reboot your system and see the change.
How to redoot system
Kyle says
It applies the picture after a restart, and then after another restart or shutdown, it goes back to original.
Frank says
Thanks a lot!
Great howto.
Jason says
I love it. It work’s thanks yar
nasari says
-for the oobe one, there is already ‘info’ folder…should i create new one and replace the old ‘info’ folder???
Jayson Ragasa says
oh sure! will surely add that one
admin says
Looks like a good one. Would have been nice if there was a way to automatically update the logon screen background with Bing picture.
Jayson Ragasa says
I’ve made an app called “Windows 7 Logon Wallpaper Changer + Desktop Wallpaper Changer” Want bing images as your logon background image or desktop wallpaper? Here’s an application for you! Windows 7 Logon Wallpaper Changer + Desktop Wallpaper Changer is great application in many ways! get it here!
Dennis says
Thank you so much. i love it… :)
Salli says
Doesn’t work.
basically this F***ED my comp thanks alot… it black screens upon start up THEN IF it finally logs in its slow as shit and I cant undo it cause I dont have a restore point set… THANKS
admin says
@ Binaya Bhandari
Your method only changes the User picture whereas this guide helps you change the logon screen background.
Binaya Bhandari says
I am not sure why people are giving such idea to just simply change a windows logon screen.
This is the simplest one. No registry edit. Very simple.
Control Panel\User Accounts and Family Safety\User Accounts
Then on left hand side, Click change your picture and browse the appropriate one.
Now, Restart and see the change.
That’s it. So simple.
Gio says
I’ve scaned the registry file with microsoft security esensitals and malware bytes, no virus! :D
skiri-ki says
I tried it with an image size of 250kb but it didn’t work. Then i used the program from and it told me the image could only be 245kb. program downsampled to 244kb, works.
looks like you need to update that guide ;)
john says
Thanks! Very handy.
Your reg key really was the answer for me.
By the way is there also a way to get rid of: the small
“Windows 7 ultimate” logo at the bottom of the screen during starting?
muzon says
i cnt change the logon screen for window7 eternity 64-bit.. anybody knows how to do this? thanks in advnce
Atik says
Thanks for this trips.
Faisal says
Did not work for me. I guess not compatible with my windows version
sid says
i doesn’t work can anybody tell me why?
Rahul says
thank you very much for this suggestion..
i was lokking for the solution from a long time and now i got it..!
Wintermute T-A says
Funny, it says “without using tools” and then it wants me to download a program.
What a load of BS.
R4F43LL says
This worked fine to me.
Thanks man.
ashish says
keith hanley..thnx buddy..:)
chand says
thank a ton it really works bro u r damm good
jeffspirit says
The pref for me – solid color – twas shorter/quicker of sorts getting the file permissions, then using paint to put new color image to the jpg files for UI logon. Worked great, now to do the boot image is next.
DRG says
Thanks for the info..its working..:)
admin says
Thanks. We have already covered about this tool here:
Vivek says
i am using mouse without borders, there is an option “Personalize logon screen”, set it to Local or dont need to bother about resizing and renaming the file less than 256kb and desktopBackground.
It automatically creates the oobe\info\backgrounds, and sets the registry key to 1.
Phil says
I need to create a custom log in screen for security reasons in win7. I would like to use a (my customized) wallpaper with sign-in bar. I would also request info on how to create executable icons and icons in general, of my choice, to launch programs, files and folders. I know this is a lot to ask, but I am getting to old to remember how-to with today s technologies. Can you help or direct to the correct source?
Much Thanks
Sumit parag says
thanks ….i do it and get really .
Matthijs says
The ‘info’ directory already exists. Does it means i need to put the ‘backgrounds’ directory in it?
Thanks alot;
GKhaii says
Nothing Happen :|
chris says
Thanks a million, works like a charm on windows 7 enterprise :)
Alex Belenkiy says
Awesome dude!!!
Windows XP had a very simple way of doing this, MS decided to make lives difficult for IT folks in Windows 7.
Anne says
For some reason, my log on screen just turned black. No background, nothing, just black. I went into those folders for the login backgrounds and they’re still in the right place but they don’t show up. Any ideas as to why they’re like that?
butchie says
mine did not work. huhuhu. i did regedit and changed the oem background, but there is no boolean option just hexadecimal and decimal. i followed as well the size of the image and the file name and both did not work. please help me out thanks
Pidge says
This didn’t work on my Acer. I seems either I’m stuck with an ugly green screen or an ugly blue screen.
Kendarr says
Thank you, working great.
Keep up the good work.
ali says
I can not write persion in explorer although I have installed it’s fonts before.please help me
Divya says
Thanks… its simple and easy..
Its working fine.
Retyler says
thnx,it worked
joe says
i want to unmerge the windows registry that i merge how do i do it
Moz says
Great tip, many thanks!
Gibz says
Fast and simple. Thanx for the trick
awgiedawgie says
I know this is coming in long after you posed the question, but you may need to change the permissions on this folder to be able to copy into it. I’ve been using this technique to change my logon screen for so long I honestly don’t remember if I had to change the permissions or not.
unknown says
its awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
unknown says
do not reboot only log off
unknown says
its superb it also works on pirated and also on original windows 7
bakerSKT says
yes, it works perfect in windows 7 starter
but you dont need to create a folder if theres one already.. just change backgrounddefault picture
and you dont need to reboot just press the start button+L and it will lock
muhinboss says
i changed the image on log on screen. but i wanna some more. can anyone help me?
i also wanna remove the text “Windows 7 Ultimate” which is show on the bottom position of log on screen.
amit says
Thank you for 32 bit
Nixie tube says
you do not have to reboot, just log-off!
sinjuju says
@ samuel try this lil’ neat program its way easier to use I’m running windows 7 eternity 64 bit x86 and all the the other methods didn’t work
Jasper says
I got a brand new Packard bell with Win7 Home premium.
I put the ”old” Info in my documents for backup.
Image (119 was put in and named as
Rebooted the system, didn’t work.
Tried hundred times but I cant figure out what the problem is.
Koowie says
I just want to say I tried it and it works like a charm!
coruscadragon says
I have the “C:\Windows\System32\oobe\Info\Backgrounds\” folder, it’s filled with default Gateway screens of varying resolutions (no surprise there).
I also have the folder “C:\Windows\System32\oobe\Info\Backgrounds-NOWAIT\”, filled with the same Gateway files;
anyone know what the different folders are for?
Stubbs says
Is there any way the prompting word ‘Password’ can be amended in the log in screen password box?
artguy says
Got mine to work fine…
With login changer for windows 7
Works great for me..
Windows 7 professional 32bit.
It has a revert button to.
Default location for the folder ….is on my system..
But remember te program will auto resize pics if needed.
Cheers all…
And text size ..font size…..can be tweaked easily with a regedit
Using simple dword add in. And can be deleted if wanted to.. Open regedit as admin…navigate to hkey users /.default/control panel/desktop/ new dword value..use decimal n change to you epi you want to use… I made mine 120 but between 96 and 150 is ok.
Hope this helps all
Again cheers
joakim says
Yiou should change the “5. You are done. Reboot your system and see the change.” part to:
5. You are done. Pres “Switch user” to see the change.
Nithin says
Thanks for this post. it really worked. thanks a lot
and a big thanks to Keith Hanly , your post really helped me to complete this. Thanks for you toooooooooo
Oskar says
This worked flawlessly on the first try. Thank you.
krishna says
Yeah, it is working on my windows7 System. More over no malware is detected..
Thank u for posting
Tony says
There is a much easier way to do this with no registry hacking. I’m using Windows 7 64bit so it may be different to 32bit.
Go to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\oobe
Replace the file background.bmp with an image that fits the requirements stated above.
Devin says
There is a another info file so should i delete it or what and i tryed placing the defalt folder in it and it doesnt work. it wont let me expand or merge the file.
admin says
Yes, it works on Home Premium as well.
karan says
dose this work on windows 7 home premium???
Kawasaki says
I have a problem… i don`t find this INFO, he doesn`t it .
Nithya says
Thanks a lot.. It’s working
Eric says
Tweaking windows is fun !
Thanks, and can someone tip me more tips on how to tweak windows 7 ?
Alex says
This is one of the best things windows did to be able to customize more of windows hope they will eventually make more changes to custumize it even further, people like me are very into customizing and thanks to windows for making it easier without any use of software
Info File says
There’s already and info file, should i make another one or use the one existing?
Andrew says
Can it be undone?
Jennifer says
This worked really well, Though i had to change the image to 800×600. It wouldn’t work any other way and i have Windows 7 Home. Thank You so much for the post. Great work.
NR says
Thanks a lot .. it really works……………….
Manav says
thank you!! worked for me perfectly
SUMIT says
HELP says
WHERE the heck did u get the flower background logon screen, can’t find it anywhere :\
Mohamed says
It’s N’t Workin Win7 Ultimate .So Can U Help in Other!
Nope says
Simple download of a reg file? What, was I born yesterday? No thanks.
Promod says
A very big thanx. it i can change my logon image daily.
Jay says
Dude it really worked just follow the steps and its so easy u have to resize the wallpaper in ur current resolution and then name it with that resolution. For example: current res is 800×600 u need one wallpaper background800x600.jpg and backgrounddefault.jpg must be 800×600 too. (u can resize it with paint, only before placing in the map!) At paint choose Options, Properties, change scale & height (make sure its in pixels) make it all ur own resolution! if u have problems with the reg download windows tweaker so u can take ownership of the reg and can do anything with it.
spook says
Worked great! Thanks a bunch!
Dirk says
Thanks! Very handy.
Your reg key really was the answer for me.
By the way is there also a way to get rid of: the small
“Windows 7 ultimate” logo at the bottom of the screen during starting?
mike says
I have used logonStudio since vista came out and it has worked great, even with win7. However, I just bought a Dell Inspiron 570 for a customer and it came with an OEM login screen. LogonStudio could not change it.
So, I used the regedit file provided here, followed the loacation in the registry and changed it from a value of 1 to a value of 0. Now LogonStudio works!
It seems that dell has used the information here to change the default logon. thanks for the reg file, it helped me find what value to change.
andrew says
to bad, that image must be 256KB or less, because I have a really nice looking image, but it’s 500KB.. Tried resizing, but then the quality of image went down.. Still nice trick you got there :)
Bryce says
Hello, I have an alienware laptop that came with this regedit already installed (so that it came with a cool alienware logon screen). Unfortunately, I think after a windows update or something, the logon screen reverted back to the original win 7 picture (lame).
I can’t figure out to fix this, none of the .exe files work. I don’t want to just delete the file out of the system32 folder since it’s a registry edit and reinstall. Can/should I do that? The image is named properly and is in the info folder.
I’m using win 7 home premium 64 bit.
Thank you in advance!
Mark says
Worth reiterating that 1920×1080 is NOT supported. I think I just saw 1920×1200 in the list and read it as 1080. I just copied my image to both backgroundDefault.jpg and background1920x1200.jpg instead of background1920x1080.jpg but left both images at a 1920×1080 resolution and it works. Not sure which of those 2 names really did the trick but I don’t want to break it playing with figuring that out.
emgee says
This worked great for win7pro, muchas gracias! My only problem now is I don’t have the ‘Other User’ option available on my logon screen. I can disable showing the last logged on user and then logon as another user, but I’d prefer to show the last user. Any ideas?
sachi says
oblikovanje internet says
Works perfect, thank you for this guide!
admin says
Restore your system to the previous system restore point by booting into the WinRE environment. To do this, just turn on your PC, hit F8 key and then select Advanced options. In the install screen, click Repair my computer and finally click restore my computer to earlier restore point.
116cl says
This MESSED UP my computer. I’m getting a blue screen with a long message that says something like, “If this is the first time you saw this or you saw this is more than once.” How do I fix what the registry download changed? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TAKEO says
did it work on windows 7 starter???
GMMY says
GMMY says
chase says
helpp i tried several times and it didn’t work can come one email me some help on this please
arieljannai says
hey, i was also trying to change my logon background, but it just doesn’t work on my computer. i’ve edited the registry and i’ve also changed the state in the gpedit.
you have any ideas what can possibly be the problem?
it should work also if i have a couple of users right?
mayford5 says
If you name your backgrounds in this format
backgroundresolution.jpg(ex..background1280X1024.jpg) it should work everytime. You will just need to edit the .jpg with paint and resize it to your current resolution. Then name your .jpg in the above manner for your resolution and it should work just fine. This has worked for me numerous times now.
simithra says
I m using windows starter and i followed all the instruction but it didnt work… :-(
Nair says
works totally fine. just one thing though. how can i have a screen capture of my log in screen just like the image you showed in this post. thanks. :D
Pasha says
it works fine! thank you
Imran says
It is not working on windows 7 ultimate. Can anyone hep me
Mohamed Zakzouk says
great :) it’s very helpful thanks so much
nina says
Worked for me. Ty so much.
specter says
mmm i just tried follow the instructions but it dos not work what else can I do?
twjames says
Keith…thanks…I’m on Win7 Ultimate, just downloading the reg key didn’t work but it did after I edited the logon properties with gpedit.msc.
JBL says
Sorry to double post, please merge my posts.
I found a way to get a .jpg file in the folder, I open it with paint and save as in the backgrounds folder..
anyone knows how I can allow copying files in this folder?
JBL says
When i try to copy jpg files there it says:
Target Folder is not available.
the info folder was already there too… with sony stuff in it.
Cris! says
So easy, so quick, so nice!
Thanks a lot ;)!
MikeVertx says
you did say:
“without using any hacks or third-party tools”
and then immediately following described how to ‘hack’ the registration files…
respectfully this post is a fail.
here’s why:
although this trick may work, and I may end up trying and using it… it means manually editing the registry files *OR* downloading a program… which means this is *NOT* as easy as changing your background image. *AND* windows has *NOT* included changing your log-in screen easily. :(
the topic and title should have been:
“Change your Windows 7 log-in screen with a simple reg edit”
Bret says
@ Keith Hanly: group policy editor (gpedit.msc) is only available to those with Professional or Ultimate editions.
@ Everyone else: If you have a home edition of Windows 7, you need to edit the registry.
aamir says
hey buddy, its good but heres one more utility where u havent need to do all of this just select folder n then select picture ur logon screen automatically change…. utilty name is “windows 7 logon backgroung changer”
Silvio Sagovac says
@John, it realy shoud have to find it! Did you wrote “gpedit” or “gpedit.msc”? If you write the full extension (the 2nd option) you will have listed on the top the application in “Programs” category.
Silvio Sagovac says
Curious, you can’t put an image that is bigger than ~256KB, why so, and is there a way to overide it?
And simple “deactivation”-deleteing the picture! :)
Excelent post! Got me to this site. :)
Johnson Yip says
Thanks for the tip. I’m so happy now since I no longer have to stare at the borring logon background that comes with Windows 7.
Great tutorial!
Mark says
Thanks! Love to tweak!
John says
Hi Keith,
Win7 can’t find gpedit. If have tried the oobe thing, but this doesn’t work here. Anyone else have ideas?
Seems gpedit is only available in Ultimate.
Keith Hanly says
Now I just after realising that the Registry download link probably does this for you, anyway…if it doesn’t my last post will work!
Keith Hanly says
I have found this method doesn’t work on 7 rtm unless you go to Group Policy> Go to start menu and in the search box type gpedit.msc right click and click ‘run as administrator…click on Computer Configuration in Group Policy then Administrative TEmplates then Sysytem and choose ‘Logon’ near the bottom of Logon Double click ‘Always use custom logon background’ and choose ‘enable’ in this…it is set to ‘Not Configured’ by default.Then do the above tutorial and it should work! Hope this helps someone! Keith!
admin says
Link updated. You can now directly download it from our server only. Btw, thanks for notifying about the issue.
dangerlem says
yeah, uhh… bandwidth issues. thanks anyway. :(
cheezehead says
Can you upload the rar file to another filehost site? the link you have for that file is constantly saying that its over its bandwidth use. Use or mediafire or something that wont have a bandwidth limit.
admin says
@ aj
Yes. It should work fine.
aj says
does this work on windows 7 starter… im planning on buying a netbook…
Jonathan says
This worked perfect, it’s exactly what I wanted! Thanks!
MadMonk says
Yeah, if you’re dumb enough to change the default installation folder.
Asad Hamdani says
You can always type this string in RUN and you will always land in the currently installed Windows’ directories;
Basically %WinDir% tells the current system to go to the currently installed Windows Installation Folder.
Great tip on changing the Logon Screen, that’s what brought me here anyway :-)
Samyak says
Will this trick work on Windows 7 RC1 also? (Build 7100)
axious says
Or you could use this simple little proggy. Works
Here ya go. Source included for the curious (and paranoid. NO MALWARE!)
Feel free to do anything with it.
Does all this in one go:
* Enables/Disables the registry key
* Resizes the selected image to your current rez (or any other size if you tell it to)
* Sets it to 96dpi 24bit
* Finds the highest JPG compression that would still keep it below 256kb
* Saves it as backgroundDefault.jpg in the correct folder (and create a backup if one is already in there)