Google Chrome is one of the many web browsers available for the Windows operating system. With a market share close to 70%, it’s easily the most used web browser on computers.
Chrome browser is one of the first things users install on their computers. Once the Chrome browser is installed, one can launch it using the search, Start menu, or Run command. Additionally, one can also create a desktop shortcut to Chrome for easy access.
Because Chrome is the most used web browser, many users have asked us if a dedicated keyboard shortcut is available to open the Chrome browser on a Windows 11 or Windows 10 running computer.
While neither Chrome nor Windows offers a keyboard shortcut to launch the Chrome browser, Windows 10/11 does offer a way to create a keyboard shortcut to open Chrome. In fact, there are two easy ways to create a keyboard shortcut to open Chrome on Windows 10/11 PC.
Method 1 of 2
Create a keyboard shortcut to open Chrome in Windows 10/11
This is by far the simplest and easiest method out there to create a keyboard shortcut to access Chrome on a Windows 10/11 PC.
Step 1: Launch the Chrome browser using search or any other method.
Step 2: Once the Chrome browser is launched, right-click on its icon on the taskbar and then click the Pin to taskbar option to add the Chrome icon.
When you pin the Chrome icon to the taskbar, the Chrome browser’s icon will appear always on the taskbar, even after closing the Chrome browser.
Step 3: Now, drag and drop the Chrome icon right next to the Windows logo button (also known as the Start button). That’s it! You can now launch the Chrome browser using the Windows logo + 1 keyboard shortcut. That is, you need to simultaneously press the Windows logo and 1 to open the Chrome browser.
Tip: You can also use this keyboard shortcut to quickly switch to the Chrome browser when multiple apps are open on your screen.
Method 2 of 2
Another way to create a keyboard shortcut to open Chrome in Windows 11/10
If the above method does not appeal to you, you can use this method to create a new keyboard shortcut to open Chrome. Here is how.
Step 1: In the Start menu or taskbar search field, type Chrome to see Chrome’s entry in the search results.
Step 2: Right-click the Chrome’s entry and then click the Open file location option.
Step 3: In the resulting Programs folder, locate the Google Chrome entry. Right-click on Chrome’s entry and then click Properties to open the Properties dialog.
Step 4: Here, under the Shortcuts tab, select the Shortcut key field. Once the field is selected, press the key combinations that you would like to assign to launch Chrome. For instance, you can assign the Ctrl + Alt + C keyboard shortcut to open Chrome. Please note that you cannot use the Windows key here. Besides, Ctrl and Alt key combinations are automatically used.
Once done, click the Apply button. If asked for admin rights, click the Continue button or type the admin password. That’s it!
From now on, you may use this keyboard shortcut to open Chrome. Remember that when you use the keyboard shortcut to launch Chrome, Windows 11/10 may take up to three or four seconds to launch Chrome.
NOTE: To remove the assigned keyboard shortcut, you need to clear Shortcut key field and then click the Apply button.
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