Most of the Windows users don’t know the fact that hardware drivers play a vital role in the performance of Windows. Having a faulty/outdated driver may cause many serious performance related issues including the big blue screen of death (BSOD).
We need not to have third-party software like DriverMax to update installed drivers or even you don’t need to uninstall the present version of the driver to install the latest one. You can easily update the drivers with a few clicks if you follow the simple instructions given below.
Update Windows 7 device drivers without any software
1. You need to open the Device Manager first. To open Windows Device Manager, type in devmgmt.msc either in Start menu search box or run dialog box and hit enter to validate.
2. Click continue button if you are presented with UAC prompt.
3. Next find out the device for which you want to update the driver. For instance, you can expand the Display Adapters tree to know about the graphics related hardware.
4. Right click on the device and select “Update driver software” option. Here you will be presented with two options to choose the update type. You can select “Search automatically for updated driver software” as you don’t have offline copy of the driver.
5. Once you select the option, Windows will check for the latest updates and will update the driver.
Don’t worry if the device fails to work after updating the driver. You can roll back to the previous version by choosing the Roll Back option. To get Roll Back Driver option, right-click on the device, select “Properties” and then switch to “Driver” tab.
anneg says
have been trying to fix this issue for MONTHS. I can’t update a wifi network driver because it has disappeared! nothing is there. the automated helper is NO HELP. have tried numerous ‘fixes’ but nothing exactly fits my problem.
please help!
FatimaTakeda says
i never be able to do that. so i download another app 4 this kind of prob.
Nathaniel Fleur says
Thank you into Windows for this review. I just checked out Device Doctor and it’s interesting but I also came across with another popular tool today for updating drivers: driver detective software – Which one is better for me? Any feedback guys?..thanks
Khaled says
it say is installed this and again not working
somebody says
What if my driver is all
ready updated to the latest version?
steven pritchard says
tried all that it doesnt work Windows says best update already installed but its hasnt a digital signature therefore cant let it fekn work sorry
all dvd blu rays were working before windows update
goddam piece of crap
adam says
i am trying to update my graphics card driver software so i can play amnesia but when i do as this website tells me it says i got the latest software any help would be much apreciated
Jack says
Amazingly helpful. Thanks so much.
faith joy currie says
I’m unable to download any files or attachments. Can you help me
admin says
No, you can’t do update drivers at a time. Use Double Driver freeware to update at a shot.
Matthijs says
Is it possible to do this in one go for all the items in the device manager? I just installed windows and now I have to do this for all the items that need it (including video, sound etc.).
William says
Windows dosent keep up to date with all the driver updates for every product outside their control. This process only works for known driver updates via Windows. They dont go out of their way to find all your updates.
john says
what if this way does not work?
Roy says
Great info saved me using an update driver software thanks