If you recently started encountering issues on your Windows 10 computer, it could be because of a recently installed driver update.
PC hardware manufacturers often release driver updates that cause more harm than good. While its true that most driver updates are free from issues, at times, driver updates are the reason behind Windows issues.
How do you figure out when a driver was last updated on your Windows 10 computer? Well, there are two easy ways out there to know the date when a device driver was updated.
Following are the two methods to know when a device driver was last updated.
NOTE: If a recently updated driver is causing an issue, you can consider rolling back/restoring the previous version of the driver. Refer to our how to roll back to the previous version of a driver in Windows 10 guide for step-by-step directions.
Method 1 of 2
Check the last updated date of the driver via Device Manager
Step 1: Open the Device Manager window by right-clicking on the Start button and then clicking on the Device Manager option.
Step 2: In the Device Manager, expand the category tree to view your device. For instance, you need to expand the Display adapters category to view the graphics card entry.
Step 3: To know when its driver was last updated, right-click on the device entry and then click Properties.
Step 4: Switch to the Details tab. Select Install date as the property to know the last updated date of the driver. Note that selecting First install date from the property box displays the date when the driver was first installed on your PC.
Method 2 of 2
Use Settings app to know when a driver was last updated in Windows 10
If the device driver was recently updated on your computer via Windows Update, you could use the Settings app to know when it was updated.
Step 1: Navigate to Settings app > Update & Security > Windows Update.
Step 2: Click View update history link.
Step 3: Expand Driver Updates category tree and then locate the driver’s entry to know its updated date. As said earlier, the list shows only recently updated driver software via Windows Update service.
The first method is quite useful than the second one.
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