Ever since the first public preview release of Windows 8 back in 2011, we have been reviewing programs that help you customize look and feel of operating system and Start screen. We have already covered over 15 free tools to customize Windows 8/8.1 UI, including 6 tools to customize the default look of the Start screen.
This time, we have a handy app to enhance your Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 Start screen. Both Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 ship with Calendar app, which lets you effectively manage your events and tasks.
While the Calendar app is pretty good and Microsoft has been improving it with every update, it doesn’t let you display or pin a calendar month to the Start screen. That is, when the live tile feature is turned on, it only displays today’s date and events, if you have any, and it doesn’t display the present calendar month.
Calendar Live Tile is a free app for Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 to display live calendar on your Start screen. The beauty of this app is that it’s highly customizable. With default settings, it displays the present month’s calendar on the Start screen (highlights the present date in bold) but you can pin any number of calendar months to the Start screen.
The primary tile of the app, which shows the present month, gets updated every day to show holidays. You can customize the default color used to display the weekend dates, add your favorite image as background image of the tile, add horizontal and vertical lines to the calendar, choose your own font, and more.
Please note that when you install this app from the Store, Windows 8.1 doesn’t pin this app to the Start screen by default and shows the app in Apps screen instead. You need to right-click on the Live Calendar entry in the Apps screen and then click Pin to Start option in order to pin the live calendar to the Start screen.
Would you like to add live clock to the Start screen? Try out Figlo and Clock Tile.
Install Calendar Live Tile (Store link)
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