Windows 10 and Windows 11 ship with a modern or universal mail client called Mail. The Mail app in Windows 11/10 is one of the best free email clients out there for Windows operating system, and it supports not just Microsoft account but also allows you add email accounts from other webmail services like Gmail and Yahoo Mail.
While there is nothing wrong with the interface or features offered, the Mail doesn’t always work for most users. Users have been experiencing a variety of issues with the Mail app right from day one of Windows 10’s release. Although most of the problems can be easily fixed by reinstalling the Mail app, some users are unable to use the app even after a reinstall.
Windows Live Mail for Windows 10?
If your experience is Windows 10 Mail app is not great and find the old Windows Live Mail was more useful, you have to download the outdated Windows Live pack and then install it to get the Windows Live Mail.
Rimmer says
Windows 10 version 2004 seems to have stopped Windows Live Mail from working, at least in my case. Rather than try for hours to fix it, I’m trying the Windows 10 Mail app instead. So far, so good. Hope that continues.
Dooley says
Awesome!!! worked in Feb 2020! But found had to manually add details.
Srechko Voyvodich says
steve donovan: Straight answer is: yes, you can install ans use Windows Live Mail 2012 under Windows 10.
steve donovan says
Its November 2019, had an old Windows 7 64 but PC USING and relying on Windows Live Email. I have and store thousands of emails in multiples of folders on my Windows LIVE Email. I now have a new PC, its Windows 10 64, and I need absolute assurance I can install the Windows LIVE Email programs on my NEW Windows 10 64 bit PC and that I can then copy and have every FOLDER and Every EMAIL in each folder. Its nearly impossible to get a straight answer from anyone on this and it should be a simple Yes or No? HELP!
Nomobo says
MicroSoft, a company with, what, over 100,000 employees worldwide, can’t find even ONE person that can adapt Windows Live Mail so that it can run on their W10 operating system? Astonishing. And worthy of a class-action lawsuit.
Maria Drandaki says
Hi there!
I installed wlm on my new PC with Windows 10. Though I cannot send an e-mail. It seems that the “send” button doesn’t work. Can you help me?
I follow steps but was not able to install windows live mail, it always result same error > 0x800c0006 Source>UXPlataform Lang
Pat says
Downloaded WLM, using your link, but per you instructions on step 5, I was not able to located the update from MS that makes it work. Your instructions say:”
“Step 5: After installing the Live Mail in Windows 10, you must install this update from Microsoft to continue using it on Windows 10 without issues.
My problem is there was no link to locate the update from MS. to continue using it on Windows 10 without issues…
Can anyone help me with this? Do appreciate
John Stinson says
Windows 10 is bad and Mail is arguably its worst feature – it lacks so much that comprises Windows Live Mail. The excellent Windows XP has been followed by series of disasters. Why fix something that ain’t broke.
Andrew says
16/6/18 just put a new H/D in my pc, download this to put live mail back on from this site it will not load shows an error. I have tried downloading again from this site and now have tried others all load with errors is this just me our are others finding the same. Can anyone help or tell me another email program that loads mail and 3 accounts free
Many Thanks
Sam says
Thanks that worked. But unable to import contacts .vcf file.
RosieB says
Thank you – this worked for me
Arthur a says
Thank you.
It work, installed on W10 with 1709 update, Feb 2018
Ken H says
When I upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10 I still had Windows Live Mail but I lost Windows Live Mail when MS performed an update of my Windows 10 (Windows 10 Home edition). I reinstalled the WLM as per the instructions above and it works great until I restart my computer. Then Windows uninstalls WLM and when I click on the leftover icon I get a message that the program is not compatible with this version of Windows. How do I keep Windows from deleting it when restarting my computer?
Boss says
you are superb awesome and it worked well. love you and thank you so much. A++
Me says
It´s not working. What a pity, this was on my opinion the best email
Sunish says
No, its not working. any help in reinstalling the windows live mail app will be highly appreciated.
Feifei Lee says
Based on what mentioned to install the window live mail but not allowed. error! only messager can be installed.
How to install window live mail in window 10 now??
don fennell says
Switched to win. 10 a few months back. What a joke. Windows mail is a piece of junk. Guess I am off to APPLE. Don’t understand why they dropped one of the best mails (windows live) but Microsoft is not as smart as I gave them credit for.. No more windows updates for me.
bill says
Doesnt work anymore
microfuckinsoft killed the download page
Gideon Guy says
I recently upgraded from XP to win10 and office 2016.
I am trying to convert my outlook express DBX files to PST outlook.
I was told that having live mail I can import to live mail and then to outlook.
Will this work ? I also need to import my address book.
Grateful for your input and guidance
Cathy Matthews says
Thank you so much. I’ve wasted days trying to grasp Mail app. I’ve downloaded Live Mail and I’m off and running again.
Cathy says
Thank you so much. I’ve wasted days trying to grasp Mail app. I’ve downloaded Live Mail and I’m off and running.
Kevin Sparrow says
I have just installed Windows Live Mail 2012 to use with Windows 10 however rather than downloading emals containing images, I just get a series of links. I have tried tom uncheck the ‘Block Images and other external content’ checkbox in ‘Options/Safety Options/Security’ but this does not appear to solve the problem. I use an old Orangehome email account and a newly set up Gmail email account
Alex says
Windows 10 mail is so poor… no request for delivery or read receipts, glitching with marking sent e-mails as drafts so nobody understands if they were sent or not, etc.
Did anyone try to click paper clip indicating that the message has an attachment in the list of E-mails? As soon as you point to that paper clip with a mouse, the paper clip disappears and trash basket symbol appears right near so if you click, your message is deleted. …and it often being deleted permanently, not into basket!
This application can not be used where reliability is required.
MS guys! What are you doing?! You better do not do changes rather than doing it for the worse! The company I work for has to downgrade all new purchased computers to Windows 7…
Lubo says
I guess Microsoft hates or just does not care about their customers if force them use the stupid mail program built into Windows 10. WLM is 10 times better and has to a real moron if don’t admit that. Recently I start getting tons of junk emails and there is no way to mark them or filter them as spam. No option to do it!!!Wake up Microsoft!! It is 2017!!! Look around! is same crap. All my messages receiving from my motion detection cameras go to junk mail and I cannot open them just because the program decided so…WTF?!?!?!?
I even don’t know is worse now-MS or Apple….
Fred Nerks says
December 2016: This will NOT work with a Microsoft Mail Account like Hot Mail. MSN etc …. ANYMORE
The mail cannot synchronize as the Delta Synch algorithm was replaced by AES and the WLM doesn’t support that.
This happened a long time prior to NOV 2016, and this article should be rewritten to indicate this. May work for other Servers, but NOT M/Soft one’s.
While the template loads the mail and calendar, you can’t use it like the old days.
Nunkietwo says
I’ve just downloaded Windows Live Mail as per instructions and it works a treat.
If I could only get rid of Windows 10 my cup would runneth over.
james says
This “guide” is horrible. It says ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the server information!!
Which is probably the most mind numbing part of installing live mail.
ID.Klinovsky says
For years I was using Windows Live Mail with the last 2012 for my 4 accounts; (Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo and Videotron)..but lately my Hotmail emails stopped to load into it!!! So I was forced to start use also OUTLOOK MAIL which I hate!!! Because often when I am adapting and forwarding a message “THE MAIL” closes without a reason and my message end up in Draft folder – beside that it I cannot create Storage Folders !!!
Why is Microsoft blocking the Hotmail Messages in Windows Live Mail 2012 ????
Patricia Courtney says
Somehow I lost mine and can’t seem to get it back. This is Window 10 don’t you think the email to set up would be easy???
Dinesh says
Its a fucking part on windows 10 to excluded its services from wlm…
We need windows live mail…. pls help and sort the problem on windows 10 update…
Elsewe ll switch to apple
Lynne says
Thank you thank you thank you thank you…you’ve saved my bacon – now just to somehow miraculously reinstate 11 years of client contacts and notes…
K Davidson says
I can’t see a link to the update in step 5. Is this no longer necessary?
Mary says
I followed the steps above. However, WLM on my old computer still thinks it is the main email, Also, I failed to get my contacts in to my new laptop. Export doesn’t work. what to do? I don’t want to uninstall WLm on my old machine until I have everything working well on my new one and my Contacts in.
Keith Perkins says
I have windows 10. My windows live mail downloads emails to three accounts but stops working when it gets to calendar
Life's too short to play silly buggers. says
Microsoft should be ashamed of Windows 10. I have not got the time to retrain myself and what I have seen is useless anyway. How do I get windows live mail? It should be there already or simple to set up. I’m off to apple too.
Steve says
Trying to install Windows Essentials 2012 on Windows 10 but it just sits there saying ‘preparing to install’ and it’s bee like that for hours and I’ve tried several times and I am running it as administrator
MarlaB says
I can’t thank you enough, My new laptop with Windows 10 was a nightmare thanks to that stupid mail program. Now I have my Live Mail and I’m so happy because it works!!!!
keith says
What really gets me is WHY can’t Microsoft just include it with Windows 10 as always in the past. How do they think this is better. Planning on switching to APPLE, and ending this windows crap.
Linda says
I just got a new computer. When I down loaded Live Mail for 10, I did not transfer the e-mails that I had up or my Save folder from my previous Live Mail. Is there a way to get those?
Dennis says
Thank you for helping me install Windows Live Mail For Windows 10.
Todd Koss says
Touchmail works in windows 10 I’ve been using it.
Peter Bodea says
I got an email today from saying:
In a few weeks, we will be making some changes to our email services that might impact your @?outlook?.com, @?hotmail, @?live, or @msn email account. Those changes will prevent your email from being delivered to the Windows Live Mail 2012 application you use.
And email continues to advise me to use Mail app in Windows 10. I really hate the Mail app. I cannot see multiple accounts at the same time and drag and drop emails between them. Also, other limitations vs. WLM. Any advice?
Thank you!