With Windows 8, Microsoft has introduced the office-style Ribbon for Windows Explorer. By default, the Ribbon is not visible in Windows Explorer. The Ribbon can be expanded by clicking on the small down-arrow button located at the upper right corner of the explorer.
The Ribbon in the Explorer makes it easier for you quickly access file and folder options. All options that were present on the Windows 7 toolbar are also available in the Ribbon. For example, you can easily show/hide hidden files, filename extensions. But if you are not happy with the new Ribbon Explorer and want to enable the good old toolbar, we have an excellent utility to share with you.
Ribbon Disabler is a handy utility for Windows 8 to easily disable the Explorer Ribbon in a jiffy. This tool lets you disable Explorer Ribbon and enable the good old toolbar.
Using Ribbon Disabler is relatively simple. Download the Ribbon Disabler from here. Run the utility with admin rights (right-click on the executable and click Run as administrator), select Disable Explorer Ribbon, and then click Run button to disable the Ribbon. Once done, log off and log on to see the old-style toolbar. The tool also lets you revert to the original settings with a click.
Ribbon Disabler is a portable utility and currently supports only the x64 version of Windows 8.
If you are using previous versions of Windows, don’t forget to check out our Explorer Ribbon for Windows 7 and Ribbon Explorer for Windows XP articles.
Download Ribbon Disabler
admin says
@ Redd
I think in the screenshot, the user have maximized the ribbon UI. To see the same, when in Explorer, press Ctrl + F1 or click the small arrow icon that you see in the upper right of the Explorer.
And to get Windows 7-style Explorer, use Ribbon Disabler tool. Check this guide for more info:
Redd says
How do you get Win8’s Windows Explorer to look like it does in this article’s first screenshot? Mine looks all white like in this pic:
And frankly, it’s too much of an eyesore for me. Are you using a third party theme to make Win8’s shell visuals look like Win7’s, or what?
admin says
Thanks for the update, hb860. Will check it.
hb860 says
Hi, after a month i have implemented second version of Ribbon Disabler with new UI and Windows 8 x86 support :)
Links to download page was not chaged.