Over the past few days, I had to turn on the Airplane mode in Windows 10 a couple of times. As you likely know, the Airplane mode can be turned on or off quickly by clicking the Action Center icon in the system tray and then clicking Airplane tile.
What’s Airplane or flight mode?
The Airplane mode in Windows was first introduced with Windows 8. The Airplane mode does nothing but simultaneously turns off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. On a mobile phone, the Airplane or flight mode disables Wi-Fi, mobile network, FM radio, and Bluetooth connections simultaneously.
Although the Airplane mode is a handy feature available in Windows 10, the problem with this feature is that, at times, it’s hard to turn off the Airplane mode. Yes, when the Airplane is turned on, clicking the Airplane tile on the Action Center should turn off the mode, but that doesn’t always happen on Windows 10.
The other problem with this feature is that the Airplane icon continues to appear in the system tray on the taskbar even after disabling the Airplane mode. In other words, the Airplane icon, which appears once you turn on the Airplane mode, refuses to go away even after turning off the mode.
If you’re unable to turn off or disable Airplane/flight mode in Windows 10, here is how to turn it off and connect to your Wi-Fi connection.
Method 1 – turn off Airplane mode under Settings
Method 2 – turn on Wi-Fi when Airplane mode is on
Method 3 – Get rid of the Airplane mode icon from the system tray
Method 1 of 3
Turn off the Airplane mode via Settings
If you have tried this method already, please scroll down to see Method 2.
Step 1: Open the Settings app by clicking or tapping the Settings icon in the left pane of the Start menu. Settings can also be launched using the Windows logo + I hotkey.
Step 2: Once Settings launched, click or tap Network & Internet.
Step 3: Click or tap Airplane mode. Change the toggle button position under Turn this on to stop all wireless communication, such as Wi-Fi, cellular, and Bluetooth. Once the Airplane mode is turned off, make sure that Wi-Fi and Bluetooth switches under the Wireless devices section are turned on.
Method 2 of 3
Turn on Wi-Fi under Settings to turn off the Airplane mode
If you are unable to turn off the Airplane mode from Action Center or Settings (by following instructions in Method 1) and want to connect to a Wi-Fi connection right away, you can do so by following given below directions.
Step 1: When the Airplane mode is refusing to go off, open the Settings app by clicking or tapping the Settings icon on the left side of the Start menu, as shown in the picture below.
Step 2: Once the Settings app is launched, click or tap Network and Internet.
Step 3: Click or tap Wi-Fi. Turn on the Wi-Fi by changing toggle switch to On position to automatically connect to the default Wi-Fi network. If not connected, click on the Show available networks link (present on the same page) to see the network flyout and then click on the Wi-Fi network that you want your PC to connect to.
Method 3 of 3
Remove Airplane mode icon from the system tray
As mentioned before, the Airplane mode doesn’t go away even after turning off the mode. If you want to get rid of the icon, follow given below directions.
Step 1: Open Windows Explorer (any folder), if it’s not already running.
Step 2: Right-click on the empty area of the taskbar and then click Task Manager to open the same. Alternatively, you can use Ctrl + Shift + Esc hotkey to open the Task Manager quickly.
Step 3: If the taskbar is opened with limited details view (refer to the picture below), click More details button go the full view.
Step 4: Under the Processes tab, right-click on the Windows Explorer entry, and then click Restart option to restart the File Explorer, including the taskbar.
Restarting Windows Explorer will refresh icons on the taskbar. The Airplane mode icon should go away now.
Don’t forget to check out Jeff’s solution mentioned in the comments below. His answer seems to be working for many.
just do a windows clean up ,
Umair says
Siddhesh and u’r welcome suggestions worked for me. Here are the steps
1. right click the “windows flag” icon on the lower left hand corner
2. click on “device manager” from the list
3. explore the “human interface device”
4. select the airplane mode switch collection and right click
5. select disable the device
6. restart the computer
After restart, you should have the airplane mode switch back from the grey out state.
Hopefully, at this time, you are able to disable the airplane mode, (i.e. not grey out)
Restart ur PC/laptop and when it goes to the “enter pin” page, look at the bottom right of the screen and press of the airplane icon and from there, you should be able to turn off airplane mode.
hezbon says
Wow thanks Jeff after all that.
Rockson says
Jeff’s solution works!
Melanie says
Wow, amazing.I did it.Thank you I was able to fix my gray airplane mode.
Addisu says
Only Ian Carson’s method worked. Thanks Carson. Here are the steps:
Step 1: Click on Start button
2. Go to windows administrative tools
from start button scroll down to windows system – open this and
3. Click on Administrative tools
4. System configuration – click on this and set your startup to NORMAL
Devon anderson says
I could not connect to the internet. Airplane mode was on. I when into control pannel-network and internet-network connection. And I enabled wifi. And it came on…..hope it helps.
Joseph says
Jeff u a God sent thank you
Mohamad waly says
None of this has worked ! Guys, any other solution here ?!
Goldie says
Hooray for Jeff, tried loads of things his fixed it for me. I would have never have thought to look in device manager HID I looked for others in device man like network. Airplane mode switch collection has annoyed me for the last time. I may disable it on all devices I use, just in case
Ian Carson says
go to windows administrative tools – from start button scroll down to windows system – open this and you will see Administrative tools – click on this – you will see system configuration – click on this and set your startup to NORMAL
Johnny says
Jeff’s advice worked like a charm.
dog says
jeff u are not god – plane still there
Micho says
Amazing thankyou very much ms config worked saved me from massive frustration
Nasik Ubaid says
Jeff is really a life favour. Wonderful Jeff. Many Thanks
Falaye says
Thank you Jefff. Finally, your suggestion let me off the hook after several days of trying all sort of technical tricks to disable the airplane mode.Again accept my gratitude.
Sarah says
Jeff’s method worked like a charm! I had to search for ‘device manager’ on my computer but that’s simple.
Thank you — this is a weird glitch.
Siddhesh says
Thank you Jeff & ElisaS for your great help :
Before ElisaS comment I have done that but not checked if it can turned off manually as it won’t allows previously.
NONE of these worked, and I finally found the one that did – thanks Jeff!!! Copying it under here for easier find. Also – a note, I believe I tried this solution already a few days ago, but I had gotten so frustrated of nothing working before that, I didn’t restart my computer and turned it back on when I saw nothing had changed anyways. So my advice, do this and immediately after it restart. After that just go to Network & Internet settings and under “Airplane Mode” the switch shouldn’t be grey anymore and allow to turn it off. Good luck! :) Hope this helps if nothing else did!
Here’s the instructions provided by Jeff:
Try disable the airplane mode switch collection from device manager.
1. right click the “windows flag” icon on the lower left hand corner
2. click on “device manager” from the list
3. explore the “human interface device”
4. select the airplane mode switch collection and right click
5. select disable the device
6. restart the computer
After restart, you should have the airplane mode switch back from the grey out state.
Hopefully, at this time, you are able to disable the airplane mode, (i.e. not grey out)
Xander says
Thank you so much, Jeff!!!
Michelle Mitchell says
don trouble with airplane mode and wifi my computer is stuck in airplane mode and i cant find no symbol of airplane or wifi anywhere like its been taken off. can use some help please? im not to savy on these things. thanks for the helpdo
lebo says
Removed anti- virus & rebooted.
Dave McKay says
My laptop updated windows 10 and airplane mode was stuck on. Pleased to say that Jeff’s fix worked. Scroll down, you will find it…….Thank you Jeff
Dawn B says
The first 3 fixes did not work for me as well. BUT…..the one mentioned in the comments DID!!!!! I was ready to throw my computer out the window due to frustration. THANK YOU!!!!!
Kunal Rajani says
Amazing!! You are a life savior man.. Last option of refreshing task bar item worked really well
Ike says
Jeff’s advice worked perfectly. Thanks a million.
Rashi tiwari says
Thanku jeff
Michelle Howard says
Wow hours I’ve tried to figure this out. Going to taskbar task manager and 10 seconds it worked. Thank you Thank you
ElisaS says
I cannot believe this! After countless hours (over multiple days/weeks) of searching for fixes and trying everything else I could find out there, this finally fixed the problem!
Things I tried that didn’t work:
1. Pressing Fn+Wifi button and holding
2. Pressing Fn+PrtScr button and holding
3. Pressing Fn+PrtScr+Wifi button and holding
4. Trying to switch the Airplane mode off before singing into an account (the fix U’re welcome suggested)
5. Updating drivers for Network
6. Resetting network
7. In Wi-Fi properties under “Power Management” disabling “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power”
8. Creating new user and trying to turn it off from there
9. Disabling Radio Management Service under “Services”
10. Making Radio Management Sevices “Automatic”
11. Changing start-up type to “Normal”
12. Pretty sure there’s more, but can’t remember. I basically tried everything except for changing BIOS settings to default
NONE of these worked, and I finally found the one that did – thanks Jeff!!! Copying it under here for easier find. Also – a note, I believe I tried this solution already a few days ago, but I had gotten so frustrated of nothing working before that, I didn’t restart my computer and turned it back on when I saw nothing had changed anyways. So my advice, do this and immediately after it restart. After that just go to Network & Internet settings and under “Airplane Mode” the switch shouldn’t be grey anymore and allow to turn it off. Good luck! :) Hope this helps if nothing else did!
Here’s the instructions provided by Jeff:
Try disable the airplane mode switch collection from device manager.
1. right click the “windows flag” icon on the lower left hand corner
2. click on “device manager” from the list
3. explore the “human interface device”
4. select the airplane mode switch collection and right click
5. select disable the device
6. restart the computer
After restart, you should have the airplane mode switch back from the grey out state.
Hopefully, at this time, you are able to disable the airplane mode, (i.e. not grey out)
Bala Sundaram says
Jeff’s advice worked Great !!!!!
Seamus says
Tried EVERYTHING to no avail.
Then I read the fix from ‘U’re welcome’.
Worked PERFECTLY after trying to fix for the past two hours!
Thank you.
Reva says
For me this worked. Went to system configuration in start up search. Selected normal startup. Laptop required restarting & airplane mode went off & wifi was back.
Jeff says
Try disable the airplane mode switch collection from device manager.
1. right click the “windows flag” icon on the lower left hand corner
2. click on “device manager” from the list
3. explore the “human interface device”
4. select the airplane mode switch collection and right click
5. select disable the device
6. restart the computer
After restart, you should have the airplane mode switch back from the grey out state.
Hopefully, at this time, you are able to disable the airplane mode, (i.e. not grey out)
MaryB says
Thank you for this…
Have moved laptop location from cable connection I discovered it was set in airplane mode and could not fix.
Method 3 of 3 has worked after doing virus scan (there was none).
Thank you.
I had to use the “Fn” or Function key and turn on the wireless function from the keyboard. Win 10 may not let this this happen through mouse clicks inside of “network settings” because of security, not sure. What ever the reason its working now.
trudy M Rowe says
Thanks U’re Welcome…worked like a charm.
sturmudgeon says
DAN: I want to thank you so much for your msconfig comment… I had been locked in Airplane Mode for a few days… and NONE of the other “fixes” worked… BUT YOURS DID! Thanks again. sprstirl
Dan says
At the start menu type msconfig, then click services and at the bottom right click enable to on any disabled wireless service. Then restart your laptop. It gonna pop up visible sside.
Abdul jamil says
Dears when you face such problem i have tried many ways but when i have updated my windows and then pressing the wireless button on and off it has offed aireplane mode
U're welcome says
None of these worked but I know how to fix it.
Restart ur PC/laptop and when it goes to the “enter pin” page, look at the bottom right of the screen and press of the airplane icon and from there, you should be able to turn off airplane mode.
Feranmi says
No of this work for me please
Elamae Wheeler says
Nine of these worked. My Mom passed away in March now I can’t get in the to the pictures and can’t replace as they were copied from phone Can’t they fix this issue
Adux says
Has anyone fixed the problem?
Darren says
None of these worked, is there any solution?
Sarah says
None of these things have worked for me either. So frustrated!
IT Support says
These are certainly not fixes.
Terrible article.
Shruti chavan says
The airplane mode is still not turning off I tried all three methods!
Carol says
Same problem….as Ben and lynn….
Now what!
Ron Bowman says
We need a class action suit against Microsoft.
Isaac says
this didnt work
you fucking cunts
Joyce says
Can not unlock airplane mode or WiFi
After Windows 10 update.
4:29/19 on my PC
Carmine says
As mentioned above, the airplane mode is grey and I cannot go back to WiFi. Whenever I hit wifi to on it goes back to off setting by itself.
AA says
Make sure your WiFi is not turned off with a hardware switch.
Nancy Huba says
None of these worked
Fernando Solis says
None of these worked for my PC! Now my PC is ruined!
Kate Ireland says
Aeroplane mode has also ruined my 24 month old HP All in one computer.
Ben Alcobra says
Nothing worked. Airplane Mode and WiFi on/off switches are both greyed out and cannot be changed. No mention here what to do if that happens. Useless.
Lynn Jaeger says
None of these worked for me!
Paul costin says
Airplane mode has ruined my desktop computer.