Earlier this week, we shared a workaround to copy URLs open all tabs of Firefox browser without installing any extensions. A Windows 10 user, asked if there is a similar workaround available to copy quickly or backup all URLs open in all tabs of Microsoft Edge.
There is no extension or software out there to copy all URLs open in all tabs of Edge browser. However, there is a workaround using which you can copy or backup all open tabs to Mail, OneNote or any other app.
With Windows 10 Creators update, Microsoft introduced a new feature to set aside tabs. Using this feature, we can backup or copy all URLs open in Edge browser.
Remember that this workaround is possible in Windows 10 Creators Update and above builds of Windows 10 only.
Copy or backup URLs open in all tabs of Edge in Windows 10
Step 1: In the Edge browser, keep only tabs that you want to copy or backup.
Step 2: Now, click the Keep tabs aside button. As you can see in the picture below, the button shows up just above forward and back buttons.
If you have not used this feature yet, tab aside helps you organize tabs by putting them aside and focus only on tabs that you are working on right now.
Step 3: Click the See the tabs you have put aside button (refer to the picture below) to see all tabs that you have set aside.
Step 4: Click the three dots (next to the close button as shown in the picture below) icon. Now click the Share tabs option.
Step 5: Finally, click Mail, OneNote or any other app where you want to backup or copy these tabs.
If you want to backup, choose Mail app. This will automatically create a new email (if you have set up Mail app) and put all these URLs in the content area. Enter your email address and click Send button.
When you want to access these URLs again, open the email, hold down the Ctrl key and then click on a link to open it in your default web browser.
Also, learn how to reset the Edge browser to fix issues.
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