No web browser or software is perfect. Like other web browsers out there, the Microsoft Edge browser has its share of common problems.
Many users are experiencing issues while using Edge on Windows 10. For some users, the Edge doesn’t start at all. Some users have been complaining that the Edge crashes as soon as it’s launched. And for few others, Edge is very slow and occasionally crashes while loading pages.
If you’re having problems with Microsoft Edge, you might be able to fix all the issues by reinstalling the browser.
Although reinstalling the legacy version of the Edge browser was not supported by Microsoft ( the unofficial method is mentioned at the end of this page), and the new Chromium-based Edge can be reinstalled with ease.
Complete the directions given below to reinstall the Edge browser in Windows 10.
Reinstall the Chromium-based new Edge browser in Windows 10
If running the legacy version of Edge, please scroll down the page to see directions.
According to Microsoft, users don’t need to uninstall the existing Edge installation before you reinstall it. You can simply download a fresh copy of Edge from Microsoft and install the same to reinstall the Edge browser in Windows 10.
Besides that, your Edge browser browsing history, cookies, and settings will be restored once you complete the reinstall process. So, you can reinstall Edge without losing data.
Step 1: On your Windows 10 PC, visit this official page of Edge in any web browser and download the latest version of the Edge setup file.
Step 2: Close the Edge browser, if running.
Step 3: Run the Edge setup file that you just downloaded, click the Yes button when you get the User Account Control prompt to reinstall the Edge browser. As said earlier, your data will be restored once you complete the reinstallation.
Reinstall Edge legacy version in Windows 10
Use this method if you are using the legacy or non-Chromium based Edge browser.
Please note that you might lose all favorites as well as your browsing history. Export favorites to another browser if you have tens of favorites.
IMPORTANT: We recommend you repair Microsoft Edge or reset Microsoft Edge before attempting to reinstall it.
NOTE: We recommend you create a system restore point before trying out this procedure on your PC.
Step 1: Close Microsoft Edge browser, if it’s running.
Step 2: Open up File Explorer, click View and then check Hidden items box to view all hidden folders. This is required as some folders like AppData are hidden by default.
Step 3: Navigate to the following location:
Replace “UserName” with your user name.
Tip: You can quickly navigate to the above location by pasting the path in Run command box.
Step 4: Look for the folder named Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe and delete it. When you press or click Delete, you might get the confirmation dialog. Click the Yes button.
You will see the following dialog with Preparing to recycle from Packages message. It might take about 10 minutes to discover all the items in that folder.
You might see the following dialog with “Do you want to permanently delete this folder? The folder contains items whose names are too long for the Recycle Bin” message. Simply click the Yes button.
Windows 10 will take a couple of minutes to delete this or items of this folder. If you get the following dialog with “Are you sure you want to delete it?” message, click Yes.
If it refuses to delete some files, click Skip.
Step 5: Close all running apps and restart your PC.
Step 6: Launch the Windows PowerShell as an administrator. This can be done by typing PowerShell in the Start menu or taskbar search box, right-clicking on PowerShell entry, and then clicking Run as administrator option.
Step 7: Once PowerShell is launched, navigate to your user account’s directory by executing the following command.
cd C:\users\yourusername
Replace “yourusername” with the actual user name of your account.
Step 8: Finally, copy and paste the following command in the prompt and then press Enter key.
Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml” -Verbose}
Once the command is executed successfully, you will see “Operation completed for” message.
That’s it! Restart your computer once again. You should now be able to launch and use the Edge browser without any issues.
How to uninstall and remove Microsoft Edge from Windows 10 guide might also interest you.
Brian says
Clear, easy to understand instructions and nicely illustrated. Worked for me- got my Edge back up and running! Thanks
Bruh sound effect 2 says
I got literally no output after running the powershell command
Yes, I did run it as administrator. However, I didn’t have a “Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge” folder to delete, so I just skiped that step.
After nothing happened (and yes, I rebooted multiple times), I decided to delete the one in “C:\Windows\SystemApps”, reboot, and re-run the command. again, literally no output at all.
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
PS C:\Windows\system32> cd ‘C:\Users\Bruh sound effect 2\’
PS C:\Users\Bruh sound effect 2> Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml” -Verbose}
PS C:\Users\Bruh sound effect 2>
jimmy barr says
Edge browser is reloading constantly. This has occurred without fail within the past couple of weeks. I have read there’s not an option to fix this, but there is with other browsers.
This issue needs addressed and a fix provided.
William Kilip says
I’m sorry this not work for my laptop, i don’t know theres tabs always popped up and kinda shutdown countdown thing please help me with my Microsoft Edge
admin says
Harry, if you are unable to perform the operation via PowerShell, check out the easy method How to reset Microsoft Edge in Windows 10 guide.
Unfortunately, in Powershell your command does not work. It returns an error message with a kind of explanation.
Here is a copy of the whole operation (yes! done as administrator!) [Since my Windows is in Dutch, I will translate the passage in the error text where necessary and put it between brackets.]
It starts with the command…
PS C:\users\Harry> Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml” -Verbose}
Get-AppXPackage : Interface wordt niet ondersteund [Interface is not supported]
Interface wordt niet ondersteund [Interface is not supported]
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | Foreach {Ad …
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-AppxPackage], InvalidCastException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.InvalidCastException,Microsoft.Windows.Appx.PackageManager.Commands.GetAppxPackageCommand
Joe Holman says
After the April update Edge would not open I deleted Trusteer Rapport as others suggested and now it works. Thanks everyone for helping identify this problem.
Tiina says
I just got a new computer and accidentally uninstalled Edge as unneeded. I know.
Half way typing the command I started to wonder should I believe everything I read on the internet…
These instructions worked like a charm!!!
I got my browser back and I feel like a badass for not fucking up my computer permanently.
Aldo says
Trusteer app uninstalled and Edge now working properly again.
Mallory says
I followed the directions exactly (I also had to remove myself from my local domain) and it worked like a charm. Edge is back up and running perfectly ! Thanks :)
Israel says
I discovered that running the powershell command without deleting anything is the way to go.
MGH says
Sorted here. Thanks to all who identified Trusteer Rapport as the guilty party. Edge cam straight back once I switched TR off. Strange thing is that I’ve been using it for a few weeks and it has been okay. Could have been triggered by removing trial 365 and installing new Office Home 2016???? or perhaps a recent update.
Anyway – Google with TR; Edge without it (same problem happened on our desktop with Windows 7).
Andy says
Uninstalling Trusteer Endpoint Protection fixed it for me
Adam says
After running the Get-AppXPackage command nothing happens at all :/
Oded Dror says
Hi there,
I follow the instruction but nothing happened After I execute the Get-App line nothing no error just nothing
Colin Nicholls says
Thanks Maria C
That worked for me too
Maria C. says
December 1, 2017 at 7:54 pm
I deleted the Trusteer Endpoint Protection and it was heaven!!! My Edge was back on
DK says
I tried all of the Powershell corrections, none of which, worked. So in my searches I finally came across the recommendation to first try repair/reset via System Settings tool. To my delight, after no luck with repair tool, the reset tool brought the Edge browser back for me. I will add that I had already deleted the Edge package folder contents and copied over from a profile with working Edge browser.
Edge worked before I received an update for Windows 10 Pro, but after I was updated to Version 10.0.16299 Build 16299 – it refused to open. The update by the way was very messy, a lot of apps left needing re-installation.
Mike Sharp says
Uninstalled Trusteer – sorted
Maria C. says
I deleted the Trusteer Endpoint Protection and it was heaven!!! My Edge was back on
Loulou says
I wish I’d read the comments first, easy following all the instructions everything went as it should but didn’t work, so after several days of trying all suggestions i’ve given up and gone to internet expolorer. The bonus was all my favourites that were in Edge are in there too. Nothing lost… woo hoo
My advice don’t waste your time until microsoft sort the problem
admin says
Please try these methods:
AmandaK says
When I try to delete the “Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe” folder the dialog box tells me I need to provide administrator permission to delete the folder, but when I click continue with the shield it never gives me a chance to give permission, and then comes back with “You require permission from [my username] to make changes to this folder”. What can I do?
Donna says
I tried this fix twice, I did receive the completed message but Edge still closes about 10-15 seconds after opening. Going crazy here, I thought for sure this would work. Any other suggestions are most welcome. Thanks anyway. 10/12/2017
George says
Same a Phil, my problems with Edge were caused by Trusteer Endpoint Protection (Tusteer Rapport). Edge came back on once Trusteer Rapport switched off. Not so bothered as I use Chrome or Explorer, but its nice to know that it’s there if needed. Rapport more important to me than Edge.
Phil says
My problems with Edge were caused by Trusteer Endpoint Protection (Tusteer Rapport).
Uninstalled that and Edge then worked normally.
Thankyou to Philip with the suggestion above.
StanB says
Well done Dave after trying every other EDGE rpeair for one user your idea works where everything including powershell etc failed! Thanks
Dave Robinson says
July 26, 2017 at 6:17 pm
Locate the folder named “C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe in the profile of another user (who can run Edge) and copy it into your user folder, replacing files there (if you have not already deleted them). This worked for me, when all other solutions described here failed.
David Joans says
I opened the file explorer as suggested. I could not navigate to the packages window in order to delete the folder in question. I decided to use the Run command as alternative. I got this message. ” c:\users\ User Name\ …….etc is unavailable. If the location is on this PC make sure the relevant device is connected. If still cannot be reached it might have been moved or deleted” Therefore, I cannot Reinstall the Edge as suggested in this article. It is a shame that Microsoft does not seem to be interested in solving this problem . Why can this application not be downloaded straight free of charge like Chrome or Firefox?
Jon says
This Re-install failed. Same issues. Access is denied it says, apparently (I read here) because I have Trustee Rapport installed. So I won’t be using MS-Edge it seems until they fix it so it will actually work.
Brian says
Followed all of the suggestions shown but still crashes as soon as it opens. I normally use Firefox or Chrome but like to test website builds in all browsers (Internet Explorer / Edge are the biggest offenders).
sermadbay says
Why am I using Firefox, you might ask? Because Microsoft wanted me! FIX MS Edge and I might use it again. And HELLO Chrome …
philip says
I had the same problem when windows updated and edge wouldn’t work. After going through this it still did not work. After reading elsewhere I found it was because I had Trusteer Rapport installed and this is not yet compatible with the new version of edge. Hope this helps and saves some time.
Mike says
useless….I am have same issue as noted below but this did not work and my patience with not being able to get this to work is done
Archie McDowall says
Went well until I got the reinstall command cd C:\users\yourusername. I got a response that that no command cd was correct. Somehow I did get it to respond and re-install went terrific. Edge I am not overly impressed with. and may delete it altogether thanks to your well written instructions.
Thanks for all the time and effort to produce this web site
Yabesh says
I have this problem, it shows the following message:
” Get-AppXPackage : Access is denied.
Access is denied.
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | Foreach {Ad …
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-AppxPackage], UnauthorizedAccessException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.UnauthorizedAccessException,Microsoft.Windows.Appx.PackageManager.Commands.GetApp
xPackageCommand “
Richard says
Windows 10 initial removed the facility to restore to a previous restore point. It’s back, and I restored to before the latest update that “did for Edge”. Now it works, but meantime I’ve discovered Chrome …………………..
To Kanishq; I think you might find that the latest Windows 10 update has upset the settings for “Administrator”
Kamran Alam says
Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fantastic !!
Neil says
Tried this and ran through the reinstall process, unfortunately it did not fix the problem. Edge opens and the screen stays blank. You cannot type a new URl or anything in.
Dave says
Same problem as others. Edge stopped working a few weeks ago and opens with blank page and closes after about 10 seconds. Tried above fix and new Edge folder installed ok but still doesn’t work. Same problem. Best fix is to use Chrome instead.
Dave Robinson says
Locate the folder named “C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe in the profile of another user (who can run Edge) and copy it into your user folder, replacing files there (if you have not already deleted them). This worked for me, when all other solutions described here failed.
CC~ says
Gotta love all the whining from the Windows Gang – gimme a good old terminal window any day! Funny rhing, I haven’t ever messed with Power Shell (aside from the cmd commands, but I felt right at home, having cut my computer teeth on old skool DOS close to 30 years ago!!
Unfortunately, Edge isn’t complying, so I’m on to see what other kinda messin’ around I hafta do to get some decent Internet browsing.
Thanks for the zippy Power Shell fix!
John W says
Same problem for me except Edge opened with a blank white screen rather than a black one. Nothing worked, I couldn’t even close it, but it automatically shut down after about 10 sec. I tried the fix given here three times but it made no difference. I am using Chrome for now, but some M/S apps are linked to Edge which means I sometimes have to use an “Open with” command, which is a bit tiresome. This is a serious flaw with Windows 10 which I hope will be corrected soon. It suddenly occurred overnight a few weeks ago which suggests one of the up-dates routinely installed in the background caused the problem.
Bruce says
No go. This did not work for me. Edge now always crashes upon shortly after startup.
Gary H says
Edge stopped working after a Windows 10 update in mid June; opening to a blank, black screen that would close after about 10 seconds. I liked Edge for some things but it did not work at all for other. But, I wanted to fix it.
I went through the process described on this site and now it opens to a grey screen and it will allow me to enter some characters in the address bar before it closes after about 15 seconds. Nice try but nothing significant was gained.
Pretty poor performance on Microsoft’s part that they cant design a program (Edge) that they intend to stuff down your throat and then cannot keep it working properly after the updates that they also stuff down your throat. The staff on the Microsoft Community site suggests that the problem is a bug in the users computer: all of us have the same bug, not likely. The site has a similar solution (without the deletion part) but the posts indicate that it does not work any better. As or June 20, they have “escalated” the issue and are working on a fix.
Fortunately I have other browsers installed, including IE11 that work just fine. What would a user do if they had relied on only one browser (Edge) that broke and now they could not get to the internet for an alternative.
Very disappointing Microsoft. .
GDB says
It hasn’t worked for me either. Edge still “opens” as a blank shell and then closes after 10 to 20 seconds
Michael Presswell says
Worked through the instructions restarted the PC and nothing changed! One day Windows Edge stopped working inexplicably, for some reason not known to me.
Firefox and Google Chrome work well but not as fast as ‘Edge’ – before it disappeared. It would be reassuring to hear that Microsoft are working on a solution to a serious bug in their product. For the less technically endowed it seems impossible to mend the system. Even a re-install of Windows 10 might not get it to work. Perhaps I’ll just pretend it never existed and then I won’t feel so bad.
Jamsel says
Having spent hours trying to resolve this MS Edge issue, there is a very simple solution to use instead:
Bin Edge altogeither and use Firefox instead. It is very quick and works brilliantly – none of the classically frustrating MS stuff!!
Risk of heartattack thus avoided!
ghengis caaan says
This so called solution was every bit as useless as I expected it would be.
yerunski says
This solution does NOT work when Edge closes itself after 10-20 secs. Still have to find a working solution.
admin says
Chris, sorry to hear that. But we have clearly mentioned in the article that you might lose your data.
Chris says
you just caused me to lose HUNDREDS of bookmarks, forever. Thanks!!!
John S says
Really nice someone spells out how to do this. But really if Microsoft wasn’t so insistent on getting users to try Edge. They could make it much easier to uninstall and reinstall like any other app . I would this really detracts from users staying with Edge. The complexity of solving a problem with it, basically means do the above steps or go use anther browser. I’ll bet many will just go back to what they are using, heck you can at least reset IE 11 with a couple of steps.
If nothing else, go back to IE until Microsoft can come to grips with a easier method to reset Edge.
Michael Robinson says
After 20 seconds it crashes all over again and will not restart.
Suruchi says
It really works. Its good to go with the Edge Now. Thanks a lot.
Keith says
It’s May 23, 2017 and the write-up is as valid now (latest revision of Win 10 Pro rev.1703) as it was back when… To be honest with the MANY people who have issues going through the miserable, intricate, step by step nightmare to install (or even worse) or have to repair a Microsoft file, I agree with all of you. I just don’t want to take away the credit deserved for the excellent write up.
For the few novices that had problems or grieved about ‘no warnings’,take note: The article (Reinstalling Microsoft Edge) starts off with a ‘note’ specifically telling you to “Create A System Restore Point”.
Fred Jewell says
Excellent write-up. Short, concise, usable code, examples, and works!!
Robert O'Connell says
This condition is impossibly absurd, second only to the solution. For 35 years Microsoft desktop products have been unusable, and they continue to get worse. Disgusting.
Ian says
Excellent site, couldn’t paste the link, but spot on information. Many thanks
DC says
It did work for me with a little tweak of the username and some trial-and-error. it took me back to the old days of Dos and 3.5. Thank you for all the help
Faiz says
Hi, im even don’t have the Microsoft Edge folder in ……\package\… So, Im unable to run as code given. how to fix it. Thanks a lot.
mike says
i am getting an error “Get-AppXPackage” is not recognized as an internal or external command.
anaboy suelto says
Using the command inducated as shown in PowerShell, I received the following message:
cmdlet Add-AppXPackage at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
Please help. Thanks
Neil McMahon says
Why Oh why can you not just download the edge browser like you can with all other browsers? – Ypu have just lost me to google chrome!!!
Robin Avery says
Thank you SOOO much. This worked perfectly.
favoritesgonenow says
export your favorites first. sheesh.
Dhruv says
thank You so much it worked for me
Ganesh says
on the next page C:\Users\’my user name’ is came
nothing more is happen
TopTenGamer says
Thanks this worked for me
Dick McIntyre says
Is there an easier way to do this for those of us who are not very computer-literate?
Steve says
Had the same problem, but found a solution: make sure you are running PowerShell as an administrator. Do this by right clicking the link first.
This fixed my problem.
Paul Van Arcken says
I have followed your instructions and has come back with Access is denied, what to do next ? Help
Kinan says
Thanks so much it is working .. I pasted the link on c:\windows\system32
robert says
followed all instructions, no problems, after 2nd restart, microsoft edge still crashes on startup. did not fix.
fdt says
All this to re-install a browser! M$ sucks as always!
dfty says
it said access is denied how to fix?
annamaureen says
Michael Dibert says
It WORKED!! I tried several solutions prior to this including another powershell command. They must be different as the other didn’t work.
erik olesen says
Step 8 ends with
cmdlet Add-AppxPackage at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
What am I supposed to key in?
Viktor says
I deleted the folder named Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe
And then I restarted my computer.
Edge appeared on my taskbar. I clicked it and it opened up and worked fine.
I wanted to reinstall it because it was stuck on a bullshit website. But after the first restart of the computer it went back to default.
william bolliger says
Tried to reinstall Edge and received this error:
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> cd c:\users\office
cd : Cannot find path ‘C:\users\office’ because it does not exist.
At line:1 char:1
+ cd c:\users\office
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (C:\users\office:String) [Set-Location], ItemNotFoundExcep
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetLocationCommand
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32>
Richard Heldmann says
This solution worked for me. I’ve tried many other ‘fixes’ and they did not work. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Justin Isbell says
I got an error at stage 7 when entering my user account into PowerShell (as administrator). Any suggestions welcome please. The message read:
C:\Users\Daddy : The term ‘C:\Users\Daddy’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or
operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try
At line:1 char:1
+ C:\Users\Daddy
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (C:\Users\Daddy:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
Eileen says
I followed all of the steps listed above. After the final restart Edge will still not load.
Brandon says
Thank you, this worked. On a side note, that is a seriously over-complicated command for such a simple operation. Give me a Bash shell and package manager over this garbage any day.
Steve says
This did not work. All I received in Powershell whas this.
Deployment operation progress: C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\AppXManifest.xml
[ooooooooooooooooooooo ]
Then nothing. Thoughts?
Seb R says
Thanks for this – Edge extensions had just stopped for some reason, but this guide fixed it again.
Steve S says
Those of you saying you don’t have permission missed the part in step 6 about right clicking on Powershell and opening it as an administrator. Once opened as an administrator you will have the rights to make changes and the code will work.
Tere says
I cannot get past the first step. I get the error message first that I need permission from the administrator of my computer name (me) then I am told I have to have permission from just the administrator (again, me) and cannot for the life of me get that file to delete. Help?
John says
And the Next Message is this
PS C:\users\John> Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register”$($_.InstallLocation)\AppManifest” -Verbose}
cmdlet Add-AppxPackage at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
John says
This is my Error
Add-AppxPackage : Cannot find path ‘C:\AppXManifest’ because it does not exist.
At line:1 char:68
+ … | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.I …
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (C:\AppXManifest:String) [Add-AppxPackage], ItemNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PathNotFound,Microsoft.Windows.Appx.PackageManager.Commands.AddAppxPackageCommand
Neil Anderson says
Hi: This did not work. I tried setting my homepage to and when I click the home button, nothing happens – its just a blank page. I do the following in the address bar:
I also tried opening and in Firefox and Chrome and neither works. Did a virus scan, ccleaner and an adware program. Virus maybe? Any suggestions and/or would be greatly appreciated.
admin says
@ Paul
Thanks for the comment and pointing out the error. I have updated the guide with the actual command. Thanks again.
Paul says
“copy and paste the following command: Reinstall-Microsoft-Edge-In-Windows-10-step9.jpg” ¬_¬
Apart from that, a good solution, thanks!
P. Henderson says
Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! This procedure worked for me after 2 days of struggling. The written command helped tremendously! Thanks again!
Michael Brown says
This only worked because Joe was kind enough to provide the written out command that could be easily copied and pasted.
This worked for me. Because there is no text version in the article, here’s the written out command.
Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml” -Verbose}
Nick Richmond says
it doesnt work it keeps saying access is denied
Andy says
I got to the part where I typed in powershell in the search area. When I try to “right click” on the PowerShell icon, it does nothing. No drop down menu to get to “run as administrator”. What do i do now?
Sean says
nothing worked to try to reinstall edge. any suggestions?
IT4Long says
Thanks! Mr Joe to provide a command
Joe says
This worked for me. Because there is no text version in the article, here’s the written out command.
Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml” -Verbose}
Doug Couch says
Your article instructs to Copy & Paste a rather long command, and yet the example of that command is an image, making the instruction impossible to follow…and of course, one character missing or incorrect will cause it to not work. And…this would occur AFTER someone had already followed the earlier instructions on how to remove Edge. Also, no mention is made clarifying whether this will work equally well for users of native Windows 10 & Edge…and users of free upgrades of Windows 10 & Edge. The image is a nice touch, but a text version (perhaps one with single click auto-select) would be more useful. Personally, so far I don’t like Edge and don’t use it anymore. It’s not better than IE in terms of using it…just different. I may check it out again in a year or so.
Kanishq says
HI,please i uninstalled it correctly but now when i try reinstalling it it shows that in need permission from USERNAME to make changes to this folder.Please tell me how to solve it.I like MS Edge a lot.