Even though Microsoft has dropped the Start menu from Windows 8, launching an app or desktop program is fairly simple in the latest version of Windows operating system. Switch to the newly introduced Start screen, start typing the name of the app, and then press the enter key to launch the program.
To view all installed apps and programs, you need to first switch to the Start screen either by pressing the Windows logo key or clicking Windows logo on the Charms bar and then clicking on the small minus (-) button that appears on the lower right corner of the Start screen. While one can configure the Start screen to open within the desktop area, desktop users might want to have a shortcut on Windows 8 desktop to quickly view all installed programs and apps.
Users who would like to create a shortcut of All programs to view all installed desktop programs and apps could follow the given below instructions.
Step 1: Do a right-click on desktop, click New and then click Shortcut to open Create shortcut wizard.
Step 2: Enter the following location in the “Type the location of the item” box and click Next button to continue.
C:\Windows\explorer.exe shell:::{2559a1f8-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60b9f0}
Step 3: Type-in a name for your shortcut. Finally, click Finish button to create the All programs shortcut on your Windows 8 desktop. That’s it!
Users who don’t like the default look of the shortcut could change the default icon of the shortcut by right-clicking on the shortcut, selecting properties and then clicking change icon button.
Via AddictiveTips
thong fook chen says
I tried many times but still cannot get to all programs instead I get is the executive files.
Please enlighten what’s wrong
thomas miner says
windows 8 is crap!!!