Last evening, I received the new ThinkPad laptop that I had ordered a couple of days ago through an eCommerce website. Since the ThinkPad ships with an earlier version of Windows 10, I upgraded the OS to the latest version of Windows 10 Pro, and the upgrade process went smoothly without any issues.
After upgrading to the latest version of Windows 10 and installing/updating all drivers, while browsing the web, I noticed that Windows 10 was automatically adjusting the screen brightness. Like most users, I prefer manually setting screen brightness and don’t want the operating system to automatically adjust screen brightness with the help of ambient light sensors.
For the uninitiated, when the adaptive screen brightness feature is running, Windows 10 calculates the ambient light using the built-in sensors of your PC and automatically adjusts the screen brightness accordingly.
If your Windows 10 is automatically adjusting the screen brightness, it’s most likely because a feature called adaptive brightness is turned on. And if you’re sure that the adaptive brightness or auto-brightness is disabled on your PC, then it could be because your PC using Intel HD graphics and the Intel power saver technology is trying to save some power by automatically decreasing the backlight intensity.
In this guide, we will see how to disable the auto-brightness or adaptive brightness in Windows 10. Use the directions in Method 3 to configure the Intel HD Graphics Control Panel and instructions in Method 4 to turn off the display power-saving technology in AMD, which decreases backlight intensity to extend the battery life.
Method 1 of 5
Disable automatic brightness in Windows 10 via Settings
NOTE: Available in Windows 10 build 21354 and later only. Also, the option shows up only if your PC supports the Content adaptive brightness control (CABC).
Step 1: Go to Windows 10 Settings app > System > Display page.
Step 2: Turn off the option labeled Automatically adjust contrast based on the displayed content to help improve battery.
Method 2 of 5
Disable adaptive or auto brightness via Control Panel
Step 1: Right-click on the battery icon in the system tray and click Power Options to open the same.
Step 2: On the left pane, click Choose when to turn off the display option to open the Edit Plan Settings window.
Step 3: Here, click Change advanced power settings to open the Power Options dialog.
Step 4: Extend Display, extend Enable adaptive brightness, and then select Off option for both On battery and Plugged in.
Click the Apply button.
Note that you have just disabled adaptive brightness only for the current power plan. So, if you often switch between the power plan, you need to repeat the same for all power plans. For instance, if you just disabled adaptive brightness for a Balanced power plan, you will need to do the same for the Power saver plan as well if you don’t want Windows 10 to automatically adjust the brightness while using the Power saver plan.
Method 3 of 5
Disable automatic brightness via the Intel Graphics Command Center app
Step 1: Launch the Intel Graphics Command Center app using the taskbar/Start search. If not installed, you can get it from the Windows 10 Store.
Step 2: Once the app is running, in the left pane, click on System.
Step 3: Now, on the right side, click Power.
Step 4: In the On battery section, turn off the Display Power Savings option. That’s it!
Method 4 of 5
Disable auto-brightness via Intel HD Graphics Control Panel
If you have AMD graphics, follow the directions in Method 3.
I am no expert and I might be completely wrong, but it looks like the Intel power saver technology was the reason why I was feeling like the display brightness was automatically adjusting even after turning off adaptive brightness.
Use this method only if you have a feeling that the screen brightness is automatically adjusting even after turning off auto-brightness using the instructions mentioned above. Obviously, this is only for PCs that ship with Intel onboard graphics.
There might be a similar feature/option in graphics drivers from other manufacturers as well. Have a look at the properties of the graphics drivers before contacting Microsoft support.
Step 1: Right-click on the desktop and click Graphics Properties.
NOTE: If the Graphics Properties option is not available in the desktop context menu, open Control Panel, change View by to Small icons and then click Intel HD Graphics.
Step 2: Once Intel HD Graphics Control Panel is launched, click Power.
Step 3: On the left pane, click On Battery.
Step 4: Finally, click Disable option for Display Power Saving Technology and then click Apply button.
If the issue is fixed, remember that Intel graphics Control Panel might be reset to default settings when a newer version of the driver is installed, and you might need to disable the feature again by following the directions mentioned above.
Method 5 of 5
Disable AMD Vary-Bright
Step 1: Right-click on the desktop and then click on the AMD Radeon Settings option.
Step 2: Expand the Power tab and then click on PowerPlay. Here, disable or turn off the Enable Vari-Bright option.
Your automatic brightness issue should now be solved. Good luck!
If you have a dedicated graphics card, please check out its settings as well. Your automatic brightness issue should now be solved. Good luck!
Do let us know if you were able to fix the issue using one of these methods.
Alicia says
The third option (Intel) worked. Thank you SO much, this was driving me up the wall!
Faz says
Finally, I found the answer to changing the adaptive setting for AMD. Thanks a lot.
Jeku Rayn says
Clark Pearson says
November 11, 2018 at 7:22 pm
My display is “adatping” to the brightness of the displayed windows (NOT) the ambient light in the room around me). I have black background in my text editor (TextPad) and when I alt-tab between browser (invariably white background) and TextPad (black background), the display brightness changes – brighter when going to white background, dimmer when going to black background.
Has anyone found a fix to prevent this?
Mine is doing the same thing. I don’t know how to fix it. The text that led me to this page mentioned running a command in windows to do it and didn’t list the command. Basically clickbait because that line does not seem to exist on this page.
Jim Girard says
I’ve been struggling with this issue for months on my Dell laptop; screen keeps auto-dimming after about 5 minutes.
Power options, disabling adaptive brightness, entering misc reg keys, using Dell tools, updating display drivers, etc. nothing helped.
This is the only article that helped me.
Turns out it was the Intel Command Center’s adaptive brightness setting under its Power options tab.
The steps on this page to disable it fixed my issue. Thanks!!
Natalie says
Wow, thank you so much for the advice! I had to go into Radeon Settings, which I didn’t even know about before. I’m so glad this issue is fixed!
Ifkeybirf says
disable power saver for intel HD grafic fixed my problem.
Thank you, this is still actual!
NT says
Try SunsetScreen v 1.34 (Free)…. It fixed my ThinkPad in this matter.
Susan Rand says
Almost no online advice works for me. Sooner or later I run into an instruction “Click on D” when I don’t have D. This brings me to a sudden halt. I don’t know why my version of Win10 isn’t like everybody else’s. I have tried all 4 of the methods to adjust screen brightness; none work. I have decided that this is just impossible with my version of 10.
Linnet says
Thank you, this setting finally worked! I have tried almost everything before, my laptop does not even have the option of the Adaptive brightness settings in the Power plan. I tried to look in Lenovo Vantage and other places… The Intel settings solved the problem.
Xyan says
Even though this is a bit late but…… THANKS FOR YOUR ADVISE!!! I’ve look through many other websites but all said adjust the setting in system, power plan, blah blah blah…. nothing mentioned about the Intel graphic.
I found the second method finally works on my laptop, yay~~~
Edilson says
Hey guys,the solution for me was:Clicking with right mouse button on battery icon,Power options,click on “change plan settings”
put the two sliding bars all to the right(max bright)the most important here is that they be in same level,that was the trick for me.
Clark Pearson says
My display is “adatping” to the brightness of the displayed windows (NOT) the ambient light in the room around me). I have black background in my text editor (TextPad) and when I alt-tab between browser (invariably white background) and TextPad (black background), the display brightness changes – brighter when going to white background, dimmer when going to black background.
Has anyone found a fix to prevent this?
I have:
* disabled Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620 driver
* disabled NVIDIA GeForce MX130 driver
* disabled Adaptive Brightness in Control Panel .. Power Options
* with Intel HD enabled, set the power option to Max Performance
* not got Bitdefender installed
* been through the Control Panel Game options
* screamed and screamed and screamed
I cannot get this problem to go away……
Aaron says
As of August 2018, the second method involving going into Intel Graphic Setting and disabling the Power Saving Technology works. Take note though: as a guarantee: go to the three default modes – Battery Saver, Balanced and Maximum Performance and switch off power saving technology respectively.
Zoe says
Fixed my issue using the second method with Intel browser. Thanks so much!
pat bateman says
Thank you, first option didn’t work (I have a Core i5 vPro) but the Intel settings did! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!
Iresh Samarathunga says
Wow, thanks guys it works for me from Intel Settings!
Leo Jhunz says
Windows 10 able us to install it into a mobile, laptop or desktop, in which this feature is most likely useful to a mobile to save battery life. This article SOLVED the adaptive(auto) brightness in my laptop.
Acer Aspire V3 471G, Windows 10 Enterprise
Erik says
Adaptive brightness is so annoying that I can’t figure how such a stupid idea got thinked, developed, tested, approved and pushed to production! I just can’t believe that along that process nobody said “wait a minute, this really sucks!”.
Ethan says
This problem has confused me a long time, Thanks!
Vaseem says
In my case it was BitDefender AV “Activate Profile Automatically” option which was messing up with brightness when launching some application and video player.
Disabling this feature found under “Settings / Profiles” fixed auto brightness increase problem.
Igor Anufriev says
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. I did the same actions that you did many times, but it doesn’t work. After rebooting and in other cases the laptop may change brightness although in Windows power and Intel HD Graphics settings correct parameters are set. In this case I plug off the power source and plug it in again.
Sven says
@Rich Uchytil:
Could you please provide the download link or do we all have to create a Twitter account first? :-)
I did not find your tweet and installed version from 5/13/2016, which is still listed as “latest” for “Intel HD Graphics 4000” – and does not resolve this problem.
So if anyone knows about a more current driver, I’d be interested!
nanakiwurtz says
These suggestions didn’t work for me. Even though I’m using Intel graphic card too.
I also tried Batman’s suggestion below, but sadly it didn’t work too.
As it turns out, my Bitdefender is auto adjusting the profile, so if all these suggestions don’t work for you, you can try to check your Antivirus or other tools that can auto-adjust your device’s profile.
I’m posting here because I have browsed lots of pages on search result, but none worked for me, so maybe you have similar problem like me too :D
Hitesh says
Thanks! This worked
Mority says
Batmans suggestion works! Disable the Intel Display Power Saving Technology while the laptop runs on battery. Then plug it back in
ALee says
i did both methods and they didnt work
admin says
Who is your graphics card manufacturer? Intel, NVIDIA, or ATI?
Justin says
In graphics control panel, I don’t have “display power saving technology” enable / disable option…
I have disable adaptive brightness as mentioned above already but doesn’t work.
Any suggestions?
solarmode says
thankyou guys, that was because intel power saving. now its not auto brightness. :)
AnnoyedAF says
I have no idea why this inane technology is even on by default. Who wants their screen to go completely dim randomly? Nothing I have done has fixed this issue. I tried disabling the setting while on battery (i.e. NOT plugged in) and it still dims. Adaptive brightness is the stupidest thing and they never get it right, even when it doesn’t completely dim in a brightly lit room.
Is there a way to just remove the feature entirely?
Javier says
This works for my. windows 10 options not working with my intel hd notebook video card.
AL says
Batman’s suggestion saved my sanity. Nothing else worked until I disabled the power saving technology while NOT plugged in.
Batman says
Try disabling Display Power Saving Technology (worst technology ever) while NOT plugged in. Worked for me. Now it doesn’t automatically dim, regardless of whether I am plugged in or not.
fawzie says
The Intel method worked!! Thank you so much, I was going to go insane if I had to deal with the wavering brightness while scrolling through tumblr anymore lmao
Jesse says
This fixed it! Thanks, I knew I had disabled the stupid adaptive brightness thing, but it kept happening. Never thought to check the display adapter.
Anonymous says
This was helpful. Thank you.
Modo says
If you have True Color running on the background, try disabling it.
Rich Uchytil says
I tweeted the problem to @Intel. They asked for my laptop model then sent me a link to download a new graphics driver. Did that and everything is working correctly now, no auto-adjusting of brightness while plugged in!
Rich Uchytil says
Almost every time I do windows updates I have to rest this thing. This time it’s working fine when I’m on battery, but when I’m plugged in I can’t get it to turn off. I even added my own profile to disable it for a set of programs, but that’s not sticking. Why can’t they just have a master ON/OFF button for this? So frustrating, makes it VERY hard to edit photos.
Aizaz Shah says
Annoying problem. I fixed it a few weeks ago but the auto brightness is back again!!!
Sven says
Same for me – nothing worked…
I had to ENABLE “Display Power Saving Technology” in Intel graphics Control Panel, apply the new settings and after that I could DISABLE it again.
The most annoying fact: I did this some weeks ago and had to repeat it today – this sucks!
If it doesn’t work for you: I did the enable/disable switching when I was on battery, because the setting should only be active when “On Battery”, but adaptive brightness was forced in powered mode as well.
I hope it lasts a little longer this time…
James says
Nothing is working. Short of my blast this POS with a bunch of shotguns, like I did with my last laptop
Alejandro says
This is insane! nothing worth it!!! the Auto brightness is getting me crazy! I have a VAIO VPCSB 25G L and I have followed all the process you have explained, however nothing works!
Please if you can help me out with this problem.
Paige says
Disabling the Intel “Power Saver” finally did the trick. All of the previous fixes had not.
Anonymous says
In Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Power Options choose “High performance”.