Microsoft encourages PC users to sign in to Windows 10 with a Microsoft account instead of a local user account.
PC users miss out on many features available while using a local account. For instance, sync and Find My PC features are available only when you sign in with a Microsoft account. For some reason, many users still prefer to use a local user account.
While using a local user account, you might want to change or remove the account password. Sadly, the Settings app, although it allows users to create a local user account, does not yet support changing or removing local user account passwords.
Because the Settings app does not allow us to change or remove the local account password, we have no option but to use the Control Panel to change or remove the local user account password.
Complete the given below directions to change or remove the local account password in Windows 10. And if you want to set a password for the local account, refer to our how to add a password to your local account in Windows 10 guide.
Change, edit, or remove local account password in Windows 10
Step 1: Open the Control Panel by typing the same in the Start/taskbar search field and hitting the Enter key. If you want to know other ways, check out our five ways to open the Control Panel in Windows 10 guide.
Step 2: Change the View by to Small icons. Click on User Accounts to open the User Accounts window.
Step 3: Here, click the Manage another account link, even if you want to change or remove the password of the current account.
Step 4: Click on the local account name whose password you want to change or remove. If an account is local, the same will show up just below the account name.
Step 5: Click Change the password link. Click the link to remove the password as well.
Step 6: Type a new password, re-enter the password, enter a password hint, and then click on the Save password button to change the password.
If you want to remove the password, leave these fields blank and then click the Save password button.
NOTE: If changing the password, be sure not to set a weak password. At the same time, make sure to memorize and remember it, especially if you are setting a strong password.
Tip: To change your Microsoft account password, refer to our how to reset or change Microsoft account password in Windows 10 guide.
md says
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