Do you often switch between power plans to extend your Windows 10 device battery life? Do you feel that Windows 10 doesn’t offer a quick way switch between power plans? Here is a free app to quickly switch between power plans right from the taskbar.
Changing power plan is quite a straight-forward job in Windows 10. All you need to do is right-click on the battery icon in the system tray, click Power Options, and then click on one of the power plans to switch to it.
Alternatively, after right-clicking on the battery icon in the system tray, you could click Windows Mobility Center and then select a power plan. In short, you need to either open Mobility Center or Power Options window to view and quickly change the power plan. Would not it be cool if we could and switch between power plans with a click?
Power Plan Switcher app for Windows 10
Power Plan Switcher is a free app designed to enable Windows 10 users quickly view and switch between power plans right from the taskbar.
Once you install the Power Plan Switcher app (download link available at the end of this article), it places a small power icon in the system tray. You can view all power plans by clicking on the power icon in the tray. Click on a power plan to switch to it. Simple as that.
When you click on Power Plan Switcher’s icon in the system tray, it displays Windows 10 style flyout. To access the classic version, right-click on Power Plan Switcher’s icon.
As you can see in pictures, in addition to default power plans, the Power Plan Switcher flyout displays custom power plans as well.
The feature list continues with automatic power plan switching when you connect or disconnect the AC adapter. For instance, you can configure Power Plan Switcher to automatically switch to Power Saver plan when you disconnect the AC adapter. To access all these settings, right-click on Power Plan Switcher’s icon in system tray and then click Settings.
For those who love keyboard shortcuts, there is an option to launch the Power Plan Switcher flyout upon simultaneously pressing Windows logo + Shift + S keys. But this hotkey won’t work in Creators Update for Windows 10 as pressing Windows logo + Shift + S key opens region capturing tool. The developer will surely change this hotkey in future versions.
All in all, a handy app to quickly switch between power plans in Windows 10.
Visit the following Windows Store link to download and install the app.
DRith says
It really useful tool for me!!!