Windows 10 is a service and updates are regularly released to address issues and add new features to the operating system. Windows 10 automatically downloads and installs updates via Windows Update service in the background. Most of the updates for Windows 10 are in MBs. However, at times, Microsoft pushes out huge updates that are […]
Your Device Is At Risk Because It’s Out Of Date Message In Windows 10
Unless you have changed the default settings of Windows Update or disabled Windows Update, Windows 10 usually downloads and installs updates without requiring your attention. But that seems to have changed now. Many Windows 10 PC users are getting “Your device is at risk because it’s out of date and missing important security and quality […]
How To Delay Or Defer Updates Up To 365 Days In Windows 10
Creators Update has brought many new features and options to the ever-updating Windows 10 operating system. With Creators Update, Microsoft has tried to add some of the most requested features and options to Windows 10. The inability to control updates was one of the common complaints about Windows 10 ever since its general availability back […]
Windows 10 Automatically Downloads Updates On Metered Connections
As you likely know, Windows 10 ships with a feature called Metered Connection. Windows 10 allows you set any Wi-Fi network as metered connection, but it’s possible to set an Ethernet connection as metered with a small change to the Registry. For those who don’t know, Windows 10 doesn’t download Windows Updates when you are […]
How To Postpone Or Delay Windows Updates In Windows 10
By now, you likely have noticed that Windows 10 doesn’t offer an easy way to temporarily stop updates from being installed. This means that there is no official way out there to temporarily prevent Windows 10 from installing new updates. Although one can always use our how to pause Windows Update downloads in Windows 10 […]
How To Hide Windows Updates In Windows 10
Unlike previous versions of the Windows operating system, Windows 10 offers little control over Windows Updates. With default settings, Windows 10 automatically downloads and installs available updates. While it’s possible to defer and disable Windows Update in Windows 10 Pro, disabling Windows Update is not an easy job in Windows 10 Home. As said before, […]
Stop Windows 10 From Restarting To Finish Installing Updates
Unless you have changed the default settings of Windows Update, Windows 10 automatically downloads and installs available updates. After installing the update(s), Windows 10 might need to reboot your PC to complete installing the update(s). Unlike in previous versions of Windows, there is a nifty feature in Windows 10 to help users stop Windows 10 […]
Windows Update MiniTool: Alternative To Windows Update In Windows 10
In Windows 10, Microsoft has removed the classic Windows Update section from Control Panel, making it a lot more difficult for users to control Windows Update. The Windows Update section in the Settings app offers little to no control over how updates are download and installed, particularly in the Home edition of Windows 10. While […]
How To Pause Windows Updates In Windows 10
We all know that whenever there is an update available, Windows 10 automatically downloads and installs the update in the background. If the update requires a reboot, Windows 10 automatically schedules the restart outside the active hours. With default settings, Windows 10 automatically checks for updates and downloads them when they are available. The problem […]
Fix: Windows Update Stuck Downloading Updates In Windows 10
Updates for Windows 10 operating system are not something that you need to be terribly worried about as Windows Update automatically downloads and installs available updates in the background. And the best part is that Windows 10 doesn’t force you to restart your PC in the middle of something right after installing updates. At times, […]