As you likely know, Windows 10 ships with a feature called Metered Connection. Windows 10 allows you set any Wi-Fi network as metered connection, but it’s possible to set an Ethernet connection as metered with a small change to the Registry.
For those who don’t know, Windows 10 doesn’t download Windows Updates when you are on a network that you have set as metered connection. For instance, if you set your home’s Wi-Fi network as metered, Windows 10 will not download updates when it’s connected to your home’s Wi-Fi network. Also, it won’t automatically update apps.
Automatic updates on metered connections
It looks like Microsoft has made some changes to metered connection in the soon to be released Creators Update. If the current build (15058) is anything to go by, Windows 10 will automatically download and install updates even when you are on a metered network.
The Windows Update page of Settings app says that “We’ll automatically download and install updates, except on metered connections (where charges may apply). In that case, we’ll automatically download only those updates required to keep Windows running smoothly”.
As you can see, the page clearly states that Windows 10 will automatically download updates that are required for the smooth operation of Windows 10 operating system. Since Microsoft has not said anything about this change, we assume that Windows 10 will automatically download important updates when on metered connections. But since most of the updates improve the overall performance of Windows, there is a possibility that Windows 10 will download many of the updates if not most on metered connections.
Of course, Windows 10 might not download driver updates, app updates, and Windows Defender updates on metered connections.
Microsoft has made this change to metered connection policy at a time when PC users are already complaining about the lack of control on Windows Updates in Windows 10. Users who are on metered connections don’t have any option but to completely disable the Windows Update service when on metered connections to prevent Windows 10 from automatically downloading important updates.
For those who are wondering, in Anniversary Update or previous versions of Windows 10, the Windows Update page displays says “Available updates will be downloaded and installed automatically, except over metered connections (where charges may apply)” message.
So, if you are planning to upgrade to the new Creators Update, you might want to wait and watch before upgrading.
Thanks mstechpages
Nik says
bullshit update……stupid update used almost 3gb of my data even when metered connection is “on”…….fking shit! time to fked up the registry again since the stupid provided setting cant do shit