A few days ago, a friend called me asking if there is a free app for Windows 11 to copy the text from an image file he received from his colleague. When I told him that one can copy or extract text from photo files without using third-party software, he was pleasantly surprised.
Most users running Windows 11 do not know that Windows 11 can help you copy and extract texts from image files with ease, most likely because the feature is a new addition. The updated Snipping Tool can easily extract/copy text from image files.
This guide shows you how to copy/extract text from image files in Windows 11.
NOTE: Although Snipping Tool is also available in Windows 11’s predecessor, Windows 10, it does not support copying/extracting text from images. On Windows 10, you might have to use third-party apps to copy/extract text from images.
Use Snipping Tool to copy text from image file in Windows 11
Step 1: Open the image file (from where you want to copy or extract text) with Photos, Windows Photo Viewer, or any other app that supports picture files.
Step 2: Once the picture file is open on your screen, launch Windows 11’s built-in Snipping Tool using search.
Step 3: Click the New button, and select the area of the image from where you would like to copy/extract the text to capture the selected area of the picture file.
Step 4: Now, in the Snipping Tool, click the Text actions button (refer to the picture below) to see Copy all text or Quick redact buttons. Please note that these buttons might take a few seconds before they appear on your screen.
NOTE: By default, the Text actions button appears in the top toolbar. However, if the Snipping Tool window is small, it might show up at the bottom.
Step 5: Click the Copy all text button to copy all the text from the image.
NOTE: The Quick reduct can help you quickly find phone numbers and email addresses.
Step 6: Open Notepad or any other text editing app and then use Ctrl + V hotkey to paste the selected text. That’s it! If you wish, you may now save the text file.
Our guide on the best Snipping Tool keyboard shortcuts in Windows 11 might also interest you.
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