We have been asked multiple times if it’s possible to launch a program from the login screen of Windows operating system. Why would users want to do this is something of a mystery, but there are many users who want to launch programs like Snipping Tool to take the screenshot of the login screen.
Well, as some of you know, there was a third-party utility to take the screenshot of Windows 7 login screen. The good thing is that, on Windows 10, you can launch any program, including the Snipping Tool, right from the login screen without the help of third-party utilities.
You can configure Windows 10 to launch one program right from the login screen by replacing the Ease of Access feature with a program. So, when you click on the Ease of Access button on the login screen of Windows 10, your program will be launched. For instance, if you have configured Windows 10 to run the Snipping Tool when you click on the Ease of Access button, it will be launched.
But if you want to launch multiple programs right from the login screen, you need to configure Windows 10 to open Command Prompt upon clicking the Ease of Access button. The Command Prompt can then be used to launch other programs.
All you need to is make a small change to Windows 10 Registry.
Launch any program from login screen on Windows 10
Complete the given below directions launch any program right from Windows 10 login screen.
IMPORTANT: We recommend you create a backup of Registry or create a system restore point before editing Registry.
Step 1: Type Regedit in Start/taskbar search box or Run command box and then press Enter key. Click Yes button when you see the UAC prompt to open Registry Editor.
Step 2: In the Registry Editor, navigate to the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options
Step 3: Under Image File Execution Options key, look for the utilman.exe key. The key likely doesn’t exist. So, if it doesn’t exist, right-click on Image File Execution Options key, click New, click Key. Name the new key as utilman.exe.
Step 4: Now, select the new utilman.exe key. On the right-side, right-click on an empty spot, click New, click String value, and then name it as Debugger.
Step 5: Finally, double-click on Debugger value and change its value data to the path of Snipping Tool or any other tool that you would like to launch from the login screen. For you reference, the Snipping Tool path is C:\Windows\System32\SnippingTool.exe (where “C” is Windows 10 install drive).
Command Prompt path is C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe.
Step 6: It’s time to launch the added program from the login screen. To do so, simultaneously press Windows logo + L keys to lock your PC and see the lock screen. Press Enter key or click anywhere on the lock screen to see the login screen.
Click on the Ease of Access button to launch your program. By the way, if you have added Snipping Tool, after capturing the screen, please click Edit menu and then click Copy option to copy the screenshot to the clipboard as the Snipping Tool doesn’t allow you save it from the login screen. Once you sign-in, paste it in Paint or any other image editing tool and then save it.
Kim says
Thanks for tip! I’m having issues with the PC and want to see the differences in programs/services running at boot vs. restart. This does the trick for launching Taskmgr.
ashish says
i have successfully run my application by this way but it work only when system restart. it is not working on press window key + L .
any idia about that??
eppie says
It’s not so weird to have a program running from the Login Screen at all.
For example when a PC is locked and you would let someone play a simple game without risking to mess-up your computer.