We recently posted a guide explaining how you can resolve your Windows 10 issues by contacting Microsoft support via online chat right from your Windows 10 desktop. We have since been asked whether there is an option to schedule a call back from Microsoft support.
If you ever called a tech support, you know that waiting on hold is one of the biggest frustrations of calling tech support. This is one of the core reasons why most users turn to the web to get support and keep the tech support as last resort.
That said, these days, most companies allow customers to schedule a call back. In Windows 10, if you are having an issue, you can use the native Contact Support app to schedule a call back from Microsoft support.
You can contact the official Windows support team to get support for any issue related to Windows 10 or any services from Microsoft. For instance, you can get the support if you’re unable to activate your Windows 10 using the given product key, or if you need some help to remove a virus from your PC. In short, if there is an issue and you can’t find a solution on the web, you can contact Microsoft support.
Arrange a call back from Microsoft support for free
In order to schedule a call back from Microsoft Windows support team, we need to use the native Contact Support app. If you’re not sure how to use the app, complete the given below directions to schedule a call back from Microsoft right from your Windows 10 desktop.
Step 1: In the Start or taskbar search box, type Contact Support, and then press Enter key to launch Contact Support app.
Step 2: If you’re using a local account, you’ll be asked to enter a Microsoft account address (email ID) and password to proceed.
Step 3: Once the app is launched, you’ll see the following screen with two options:
# Accounts and billing (Get help with managing your account)
# Services and apps (Windows, OneDrive, and Office 365, etc)
Obviously, you need to click or tap the second option titled Services and apps as you’re seeking support for Windows 10.
Step 4: Here, again, you’ll need to click or tap an option from a bunch of options:
# Windows
# Internet Explorer or Edge
# Office or Office 365 for Windows
# Skype
# Xbox
# See more
Clicking See more will show a few more options such as Word, Excel, Outlook, and Security Essentials, etc.
As we are interested in getting support for Windows 10, simply click or tap Windows. However, if you need assistance for Internet Explorer, Edge, or Skype, please click or tap an appropriate option.
Step 5: Next, you’ll see three options:
# Setting up (installation, settings and activation)
# Technical support (errors and other performance problems)
# Protecting my PC (Removing viruses and malware, etc)
Depending on the type of the issue, click or tap an appropriate option to continue.
Step 6: In this screen, in order to schedule a call back from Microsoft support, you need to click or tap Arrange a call (Schedule a call) option. Enter your contact details, date and time, and finally, click Confirm button. That’s it.
Instead, if you prefer a call back from Microsoft as soon as possible, click or tap the last option titled Call me as soon as possible option and then enter your contact details. As you can see in the picture, the app shows the current waiting time.
Which is your preferred way of contacting Microsoft support in Windows 10?
Carole hennings says
I would like to say i an totally frustrated with your online system. Is it possible to speak with soneone?
Pauline Beattie says
My outlook will not open.
Rajesh kumar says
please contact to me I am in trouble with ms office home & Student is not getting activate please arrange a call on priority.
Theresa says
I am scheduled a call back , they call back and customer services.than end with charges do not approve. You wonder how they get on your account.
Randy Satterfield says
This article is completely untrue, likely outdated. But there is nothing else I can find. Microsoft really, really doesn’t want to help its customers.
admin says
@ Carl
Sorry, I really have no idea how to cancel a scheduled call. If you have received any email messages from Microsoft support regarding the scheduled call, please check the same. There might be an option in the email to cancel the appointment.
Carl says
I scheduled a call and now I do not need it. How to I cancel my appointed time for a call so that someone else can use it?
Srapture says
I scheduled a call a week ahead because it’s the earliest I could get through this service, and they just didn’t bother calling… Very frustrating.